Fluffy hair, Cute freckles

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Hi fanzines, so I know I haven't updated to for a while and you all know why....  But that's not the point.  I will be trying to get back on a regular schedule but during spring break there may be a hiatus,  it is said I will be going to Texas. And coming up during may there will be a hiatus because my mom is having a graduation ceremony. Anyways this will be a fluff chapter and hopefully adorable enough for you guys!  enjoy.

Happy as hell to be reunited, Lance let Keith go setting him down gently. They stood there in each other's arms. But eventually Keith felt the small thing coach into his legs yet again.
  "Hi uncle Lancet!" Shira said, her small head popping out from behind Keith leg.
   "Hi shira!" Lance cheerfully responded. They beamed at each other just as Keith slightly arched over.
  Gasping for a breath he reached for his mid section.
Lance arched over him "hey... What's wrong baby" Lance lightly said.
  "Rrh... I just uh..... Need to sit down" Shira held his hand while walking on her tippy toes, Lance held him vlosly and walked him to the couch. Lance carefully let go as Keith awkwardly dat down. It took Lance a moment to realize that Keith mid section was less of a bump, and more of a small watermelon size.
   "Hey baby what's wrong" He asked Keith. He noticed his stomach move. Keith grabbed Lance hand and lightly placed it on his stomach.
  "Wha----"... " Just wait" Keith told the confused Cuban boy. They waited and Shira watched. When Lance felt Keith stomach move he jumped back and Keith burst out laughing, causing everyone to stare.
   "Oh Lance... That's just the babies kicking" Keith said in between chuckles. Pidge also started laughing.
  "I WANNA TRY" Shira shouted.  Keith placed her hand on his stomach. She also freaked out when she felt them babies kick her tiny hand.

  After awhile allura walked up to Keith.
  "Looks like it's about time to check on em" Allura said. Lance helped Keith up and they followed her to the infirmary. Keith slowly sat down as allura prepped the machines. Locking eyes Keith and Lance just gazed at each other.
  "Okeydokey... Ready" allura said looking down at Keith.  Keith shook his head.  They watched as the spectacle thingy (don't know what it's called) moved across Keith's belly.
   "Still healthy... I can tell they'll be beautiful guys." allura complimented them. Keith kindly said thank you as he walked out with Lance.

Finding themselves in Keith's room, Lance was sitting against the wall on the bed. He watched as Keith got walked out of the bathroom wrapped in a damp towel. Waiting for him to dress Lance approached him. He wrapped his arms around Keith's clothed top, just over his bump. Lance rested his head in the crook of Keith's neck rocking his hips back and forth.  they stood there for a while gently swaying back and forth. In the room it was humble place. Very quiet and soothing. Keith broke sort from Lance and went to lay down on the bed.
   Lance softly approached him, letting Keith test his head on his chest. Lance ran his hands through Keith's soft dark purple mullet. Keith stared at Lance's vibrant freckles on his cheeks, Staying that way until they fell asleep. It was a peaceful night, a peaceful sleep. The cute couple layed there in each other's arm,  sleeping into the night.

Hope you enjoyed this... Thanks for all the support

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