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October 17, 2018

H is Handwriting and Hobbies

You might think this is random, but I swear this is a thing. I just watched your Superlatives interview with your teammates, and I actually didn't notice it until someone pointed it out in the comments section. So I went back and watched the video again, and I have to agree with what commenter, Marie Panerio, said- you do have good handwriting for a guy. Actually I would even go so far as to say you just have good handwriting in general. Did you take penmanship when you were younger? I'm really amazed at how you seem to be accustomed to writing in cursive- a rarity nowadays, much less for a guy. So yeah, colour me a bit impressed.

I wonder why though? Like who taught you how to write like that? Do you write your notes like that too? Aren't you talking Math? Do you even get to use your cursive handwriting in school? Or do you even write in cursive for your notes?

Have you ever handwritten a letter? And of course, I didn't say it then but the unspoken part of that question was have you ever handwritten a letter for a girl? It's really not my business, but it's not like you would answer either, so let me just ask it anyway.

What do you usually do in your free time? What are your hobbies? Can H be for hobbies too?

But seriously what do you do when you have nothing to do? Haha. That's a lot of do's, but you get it, don't you?

Can you share more of who you are beyond the usual student-athlete introduction? Like how are you just as a guy?

Do you want another confession?

These letters are my hobbies. They're starting to be. I usually find myself doing them when I have nothing to do. And another confession: I like doing them. Isn't a hobby like that?

So what's yours?

Wait for my next free time, okay?

Just Anon

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