Pg. 2

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~Enjoy ❤️~

The next day was normal from the same routine. Wake up, brush my teeth, take a shower even if I took one last night, brush my hair, get dressed, perfume and last but not least backpack. My mom attached all these sticky notes on my mirror and my wall to remind me of my routine for school. I'm not sure why, it's not like I'll ever forget. "Bye mom!" I yelled before rushing outside. I walked to the bus stop, like I normally did everyday, waiting for the bus to arrive.

A familiar car suddenly pulled up in front of me.

"Get in loser we're going shopping!" Michael yelled from the passenger's side.

I let out a laugh as I hopped in, seeing xiaojun, Michael and Kun again honestly made me happy.

What a great way to start off the day.

"Hey." Xiaojun smiled.

"Helllooo." Kun waved as we headed to school.

"Hey guys, any updates on the frat boys?" I asked comfortably as if I were part of their clique now.

Kun laughed. "Should I tell her or should you?" He asked xiaojun.

I gave them both confused looks.
"Tell me what?"

Xiaojun smirked. "They tried to call the cops last night but remembered they had drugs in their house." He chuckled.

"How do you know this?" I asked.

"Those assholes practically post everything on Facebook, check it out." Michael said, handing me his phone.

I was shocked but also amused, they really took pictures of their house and their cars with a very long Facebook status. Pussies. "Wow. That actually makes their place look more welcoming." I joked making them all laugh.

I handed Michael back his phone. "So wait, do they know who did it?" I asked nervously.

Kun shrugged. "Nope! No clue!"

"But if they were to find out, we have more plans under our sleeves." Michael said, evilly rubbing his hands together.

Xiaojun stared at me, making me look over at him. "How'd you sleep last night?" He asked lowly.

I nodded. "I slept great. How'd you sleep?" I asked him.

He smirked. "I would've slept better if you were there." He mumbled.

My eyes grew wide. As cliche as it sounded, it was only hot coming from him. I turned to look out of the window, trying to hide the fact that I was blushing.

The moment we pulled into the parking lot of the school, a crowd was gathered up, leaving us all curious.

"The hell is going on over there?" Kun asked.

I stepped on my tippy toes to see Derek and his gang hanging a boy against a brick wall by his shirt collar.

"Umm guys." I said nervously.

Xiaojun started walking towards the crowd in full speed.

"Xiaojun don't or you'll get expelled!" Kun yelled following behind him.

Michael and I rushed to their side, watching Xiaojun take actions.

"I know it was you, ass wipe!" Derek yelled at the poor boy.

I wanted to jump in so bad but I would be only 1 girl going against 7 boys.

"It wasn't me I - I swear!" The boy cried as blood oozed from his nose.

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