Pg. 5

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*Trigger warning: mention of suicidal action*

The moment Kun stopped in front of my house, I slowly took off my seatbelt. "Hey Kun?"


"If you see him, can you text me?" I asked.

"Yea! Sure! Here, give me your phone." He said holding his hand out.

I pulled my phone out, handing it to him. As he was putting his number in my phone, I was very tempted to grab xiaojun's phone but of course that would make me look like a stalker, creep and a thief...

"Alright! Here ya go!" He smiled, handing me back my phone.

I nodded as I got out of the car, but before I did so, I turned around one last time. "Drive safe." I told him.

"I will." He nodded.

Who knows, maybe he's going to disappear next...

I walked in the house, not realizing my mom wasn't home, until I heard nothing but silence in the house. I rushed upstairs to my room as I pulled my phone out.

Not one notification...

Of course I shouldn't be expecting anything from xiaojun, but how did his phone get in Kun's car...?

My phone suddenly started ringing, making me jump. I looked at the number, not very familiar with it.

I picked up but quickly pressed the mute button. I heard breathing on the other line, wanting to question if this was xiaojun or not...but then the voice of a girl caught me off guard. "H-Hello...?" She said. I quickly took it off mute. "Hello...?" I finally spoke. "Umm, hi...are you Rachel?" She asked, but her voice sounded quiet, kinda like she was scared. "Yes." I told her. "Please listen to me and listen to me carefully, stay away from xiaojun, he's not who you think he is."

My heart suddenly stopped. "What are you talking about? Have you seen him?" I asked curiously.

"I-I'm sorry. I have to go." She said.

"No please. I need to know." I told her, desperately.

"I'm sorry..." She said before hanging up.

What the hell...

I quickly texted Kun.

You: Hey. Someone just called was weird.

Kun: What did they say???

You: It was a girl...she told me to stay away from xiaojun because he's not who I think he is...

Kun: That is weird. Have you tried tracking the number?

You: Tracking?

Kun: Yea! There's an app where you can track the location of a number...

You: That's smart but, creepy Kun...

Kun: Well how else do you think this person got your number?

My heart dropped.

You: You think someone's tracking me...?

Kun: Someone's tracking all of us, whether it's through apps or through each other. We're all being tracked.

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