Pg. 10

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"Hey, it looks like a little froggy." The Officer said, bending down to see the frog Kelly had minutes ago.

"Did you say a frog? I can't be around those things man, I'm allergic." The other officer, I'm guessing his name's Rick, said.

"Oh come on, it's not like they bite." He said, staring at it.

"Achoo!" We all heard.

They both pulled out their guns as they started aiming everywhere. "Who's there?" The Officer asked.

"It sounded like it was coming from behind that flag." Rick said, pointing his flashlight towards it.

Fuck! My heart was beating so fast, you could literally hear it.

They both slowly approached the flag. The closer they walked towards it, the more nervous I got.

Suddenly Michael ran from the other side as he threw a vase in the air. "Merry Christmas mother fuckers!" He screamed. Bullets started flying everywhere as we all ducked, while rushing out of there. Xiaojun grabbed my arm. "Wait, I can't leave Kelly!" I yelled.

"She'll be fine!" He said as we both ran to his car that I didn't even notice was here, behind the building. Kun quickly pulled off and so did Xiaojun.

I quickly put my seatbelt on.

"Hey, can you text Kun and tell him to meet me at my hideout?" Xiaojun asked.

"Okay, what's the address to it?" I asked, pulling my phone out.

"He'll be fine, he knows where it is." Xiaojun said, making my heart drop.

I stopped. "What? You said no one knew about that but me..."

"Rachel, not now." He said, looking in his rear view mirror for any signs of cops.

My mouth remained closed throughout the entire ride there. I texted Kun what Xiaojun told me to text him, afterwards I stayed silent. The moment we pulled up, kun's car was already there while they all sat on the outside of it, waiting for us.

"Finally! What took you guys so long?" Michael said.

Xiaojun walked to the door as he unlocked it. I stayed behind, pacing slow.

"Hey, you okay?" Kelly asked, as she walked beside me.

I nodded, keeping my head down. "Yea, I'm fine. Just...tired." I lied.

Truth is, I was pissed, hurt and betrayed...That asshole lied to me. He made me feel special.

She put her arm over my shoulder, gently caressing it.

I didn't want to ruin all the fun, so I just kept my mouth shut.

"Dude dude and then I yelled 'Don't climb the fence! The dog can jump!'" Michael said excitedly as we all sat in the living room.

Kelly sat beside me, comforting me as we all listened to Michael's crazy adventurous stories.

Xiaojun stood in the kitchen, eyeballing me as he took sips from his water bottle. He suddenly walked in the living room. "Hey, Kelly, did you want to go home tonight? You're more than welcome to stay here." Xiaojun offered.

She thought about it before nodding. "Sure! Are you staying?" She asked, looking over at me.

I shrugged. "Unfortunately."

Xiaojun sighed as he walked towards me, pulling my arm to follow him. He led me to his room as he pulled me into his arms. I slowly pushed him away. "I'm so sick of you lying to me." I mumbled, as a tear slide from my eye.

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