Pg. 21

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*Sorrryyyy, I Umm, I was pretty busy with things like life and work, ya know, just shit I never signed up for when I was born 🤷🏻‍♀️ lol anywho! Sorry I took so long to update, I really love this story but I kinda felt discouraged about continuing since the plot wasn't really getting anywhere but now I know exactly where to drive this shift (ok I'll stop ✋🏻) so umm yea! Enjoy! 😊💚

*Sorrryyyy, I Umm, I was pretty busy with things like life and work, ya know, just shit I never signed up for when I was born 🤷🏻‍♀️ lol anywho! Sorry I took so long to update, I really love this story but I kinda felt discouraged about continuin...

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We all arrived back to the hideout house, but honestly I was too afraid to even step foot near the place. Xiaojun wasn't just scary...until now.

"I'm so tired." Michael said as he slowly stepped out of the car.

"We can get some sleep here and wait for xiaojun to return." Kun told him.

Michael sighed lazily. "Do we have to? I mean, don't get me wrong, I love this place, but...I'm just not about to share it with a gang cult loving cannibal murderer."

I looked over at him as Kun unlocked the door.

"What?!" Michael said throwing his hands up.

"He's not a murderer." I told him.

"Sure." Michael said sarcastically.

"Hey, you okay?" Kelly asked as she caressed my shoulder. I nodded, feeling a sharp pain my head. "Umm, guys I'm gonna head to bed early tonight...." I told them as I walked to the room.

"Okay, let us know if you need anything." Kun spoke. "Dude why the hell would you say that?" Kun whispered to Michael.

"What? I was telling the truth!" He shrugged.

I stepped inside of the empty room, feeling a bit guilty for sleeping with Xiaojun, but honestly I felt more guilty about being with a guy I knew nothing about...a stranger. I slowly walked towards the bed as I sat on the edge of it, feeling my stomach. Now that I brought this to my attention, I needed to know myself...

Am I pregnant?


I can't be.

I'm only 16 and xiaojun and I used protec-tion...

"No way.." I whispered to myself. "This can't be happening." I said covering my face with my hands as I let my body flow back on the bed. I rolled over, hugging myself to sleep, craving xiaojun's warm arms around me, but I just couldn't give in to him. I've got to stop thinking about him, why am I even in love with him? I couldn't help but cry as I did so, trying to remember when my life was teenage normal, complicated and boring. I suddenly felt my eyelids fall as I fell into a deep needed sleep.

I slowly opened my eyes after what seemed like hours after I heard bumping coming from the room. The first time I let it go, assuming things I probably shouldn't, that was until I heard it again. It wasn't normal bumping, or sexual bumping, but....intruder bumping. I tried shaking myself out of these paranoid thoughts until I turned over to see xiaojun staring right at me as he held a pocket knife in his hand while laying on his side. He played with the top of the knife, brushing it between his nails as he just stared at me, waiting for me to respond. "Xiaojun what the hell are you-" I said quickly sitting up. "Shhh. Come with me." He told me calmly as he sat up. I stared at him in disbelief as he slid the knife in his pocket. "Why do you have a knife?" I asked as my heart started pounding out of my chest. He sighed as he rolled his eyes, leaning down towards me as he inched closer to my face, with our lips only inches apart. "When do I not have a knife?" He smirked sarcastically. I nodded. He had a point. I looked over at the window, not realizing the sun wasn't even up, so this wasn't much of a group thing, this was just a me and him sorta thing, making me even more nervous.

I slowly backed away from him as I stood up. "Where?" I asked. He stood up as well as he smiled, holding his hand out for me to come with him as he slowly stuck one foot out of the window. I slowly took his hand as we both snuck out of the window like we were teens in love. But honestly, I wasn't even sure of what to call us anymore. "Where are we going?" I asked nervously. "Somewhere." He simply answered as I followed him deep into the dark woods on foot.

My anxiety and overthinking started to activate as I yanked my arm away from his grip. "What the hell is your problem?" He asked, giving me a confused look. "Y-your brother told us everything. I can't believe you'd do that to your own parents." I snapped, regretting EVERY thing I was saying, hoping my mouth would just shut and he'd forget everything I was saying.

"What? Rachael, what are you talking about?" He asked, stepping closer. I took a step back as I held my stomach. "You killed your parents in that fire, because your dad was sleeping around with one of your maids. So you found a book of something that would help you do witch craft and when that failed, you killed them." I blurted. I'm such a fucking idiot. Why couldn't I just keep my mouth shut!

He stared at me for a minute before nodding. "Is that what he told you?" He asked, catching me off guard. "Wh-What?" I asked, trying to make sure I heard his response correctly. "Is. That. What. He. Told. You?" He asked louder, stepping a bit closer as he grabbed my arm. I stood frozen, expecting this to be my last day on earth, considering the fact that I never even got the chance to watch the Harry Potter movies or even go to T.G.I Fridays, not even once. I nodded slightly as tears fell from my eyes. I was so scared, my heart and brain were literally going the same beating pattern. He suddenly let my arm go as he slowly walked towards a tree, angrily punching his fist against it. "That asshole!" He snapped.

Should I take this as an opportunity to run? I stood still as I kept my eyes on him, actually kinda confused as to why he was reacting differently than what I saw him doing in my head. "'re denying it." I told him. "Of course I'm denying it! I'm not even capable of murder! Oh my god, he's such a fucking liar." He snapped as he punched the tree again. "Xiaojun, tell me what's going on because I'm- well WE are all confused as to who you really are.." I told him.

He sighed as he leaned back against the tree, looking over at me. "You know, Hendery has killed more people than I've ever thought. I've never killed anyone, do I have thoughts about it? Maybe. But I've never killed anyone." He explained. I crossed my arms. I still need more info. "Ok, then what about your parents? What really happened to them?" I asked. He chuckled. He stopped to look over at me as he bit his bottom lip. He began walking closer to me as I took steps back the closer he came towards me. My back suddenly hit a tree as we both were not only sharing the same air but also the same space. "Do you trust me?" He asked, leaning in closer. I couldn't help but give in as the warmth from his body devoured my soul, making me feel less uncomfortable or alone. I nodded slowly as I stared into his beautiful big brown eyes. He slowly but passionately place a smooth peck on my lips. Afterwards, he slowly pulled me into the woods as we walked for what seemed like hours. "You never told me where we were going." I whispered as we continued through the woods. "It's another hideout, I've been staying in that one while working on this one." He explained. "But why? Why do you keep making hideouts? To hide away from him? Your brother?" I asked curiously. He stopped as he let out a frustrated sigh. "No. I'm not scared of him. If anything he's scared of me. And he's not my brother." He told me as we both entered his second hideout house. He flipped on a light switch to a house much bigger than the one we've been staying in. The floors weren't wooden, everything was white, sparkly and polished. The floor was hard marble and so were the counters. This wasn't a hideout, this was a house...

"Xiaojun, is that you?" I heard, making my heart stop completely. My blood felt drained from the shock of another voice in the place, thinking we were the only two alone until an older woman came walking around the corner slowly. She kinda resembled him. His hair, his facial structure, his eyes. "Umm..." I said nervously as I grabbed a hold of his arm. He looked over at me as he started contemplating. "Okay, Rachel, promise me you won't freak out." He whispered to me as he grabbed both my cheeks while looking into my eyes. I nodded as I kept my focus away from him, as I looked down at the floor. There was just no way I could look at him the same now. Who was this woman? Were they secretly together? How long has she been here? Why was she here? Why do they resemble each other so much? Who the hell was sh- "Rachel, this is my mom." He said, catching me off guard.

"You-your mom?" I asked as my eyes grew wide.

But Hendery said she died, in the fire!

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