Pg. 27

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*Warning: Mentions of sensitive subjects*

I sat up a little, feeling pain strike through my body. I looked around the empty glass cage, noticing there were more in here but since it was dark in each one, I couldn't quite see if I was alone or not. I blinked multiple times to correct my vision since everything was appearing so blurry.

I heard footsteps as I saw a rock made door open. I stood up as I peeped out a dark shadowy figure walking in. "Hendery?" I said as tears fell from my eyes.

He smiled. "Hello there." He waved as he took a seat in the chair, sitting in front of a computer. I'm assuming that was the key to opening these doors. "Why-Why am I in here?" I asked him as my body started to shake from fear and pain. He sighed. "Oh Rachel. If only you knew. But! Until then, you're going to obey my every word. Got it?"

I slowly shook my head. "I don't understand..."

"I'm sorry?" He spoke as he stood up, walking closer to the glass.

"I-I said I don't understand. Why are you doing this? Who are you...?" I asked, staring at him in disbelief.

"Ah! See, that's the question you should've been asking from day one. Who am I! Hahaha, but the real question is, who are we?" He smirked.

Tears continued on pour from my eyes as my heart beat came to a stop."What?"

"That's right Rachel. You're in the tiger cult as well, but did you know? Of course not. Because you're too busy being blinded by my brother's COCK, that you didn't even realize what you were truly capable of or who you really were, ya know, before you met him. He made you weak. He made you have pity. He made you out to be just like a normal high school student, but deep down inside, you've always been one of us silly. Stop acting brain washed, you know exactly where you are, who we all are and most importantly, who YOU are."

I shook my head. "Let me out." I told him as my voice started to shake as tears poured down from my eyes.

"I don't think so. Not until he gets here." He said as he walked away.

"No. No wait! Until who gets here?!" I yelled. I slowly started banging on the glass. "Let me out!" I screamed.

He suddenly left the room. I then heard a weird noise coming from above my head as I looked up to see green smoke coming from the vents built inside of this thing. I began coughing, not exactly sure of what this strong toxin was.

I felt myself getting light headed as my body became weak from the substance. I slowly slid down the glass wall as my eyelids became heavy.

Then things went dark...

I slowly opened my eyes again after what seemed like hours. I looked around, hoping that this was a nightmare I'd soon wake up from, but sadly, I was still lying on the cold floor trapped in a glass cage. This can't be over. Someone has to come looking for me. I should've been nicer to Kelly...dammit. Oh! Maybe my mom! She'll get me out of here!....right?

The door suddenly opened again as two men dressed in black suits came walking in. I looked at what they were doing as they put some sort of chip into the computer. What I saw next shocked my eyes. It was multiple videos of cult rituals caught on film of them slashing people, eating them, raping them and hanging them. "Yea yea I like this one. She was a biter." They both laughed.

What kind of sick twisted shit is this?

I stood back as they both turned around to look at me. "Is that her?" One man whispered. "Yeah." The other guy answered.

"H-Hey excuse me, can you tell me where I am?" I asked as my voice continued to shake. They both looked at each other while laughing. Next thing I knew, they both pulled guns out of their back pockets as they both started shooting at the glass. I instantly flinched as I started screaming and panicking around the cage. "PLEASE STOP!" I screamed as I balled myself up while squeezing my eyes shut. They both continued to laugh. "She's seriously brainwashed." One of the guys said. The other one chuckled. "Yeah right, she's just acting." I slowly opened my eyes to realize I was still alive and that there were no bullet holes in the spot they shot at. "Bullet proof sweetheart." One man said. "So you know what that means right? No matter what you do, or how many stunts you try to pull, that cage ain't going no where." The other man explained as they both started laughing as they took the chip out of the computer, and with that, they left.

What the fuck. What the fuck. What the fuck! I started rocking myself back and forth as I kept trying to get all of this out of my head. This can't be happening. This can't be real. Why can't anyone help?! "HELP ME!!" I screamed as tears poured from my burning eyes.

My stomach suddenly started growling, making me lick my dry lips. I held my stomach...

It didn't feel the same like it did before, it felt harder and more tender. I looked around the empty glass cage for a sign of a phone or at least SOMETHING I could eat. I have to get out of here.. I looked up, seeing that same green gas I saw before. I also spotted a camera as a tiny red light flashed from it.

Are they watching me..?

I touched my ear to see if I at least had on jewelry, but sadly, I didn't even have on a belt. At least I still had on my bra, maybe if I can find something sharp or pick up enough strength, I can pull my wires out of it to unlock the doors or to use it as a self defense weapon. Though I've never picked a lock before, I was willing to stop at nothing to get out of here.

I watched the camera from the corner of my eye, pretending to not even see it. I went along with acting normal as I picked at my bra, trying to get the wire. So every 5 minutes, I'd pretend like I was fixing my bra when really I was pulling the wire out of the fabric.

My fingers eventually grew tired of trying to pull it out, and after realizing this was useless and that I was getting no where, I felt myself slowly fading. My hunger and strength got the best of me, making me fall to the floor.

How long were they going to keep me in here?

I found myself closing my eyes again, not sure of what the time could've possibly been. I'm sure the sun came up by now to start a new day, or it could be another night, who knows? I wasn't even sure of how long I've been here. It seemed like only a day, but due to the calendar on the wall outside of the glass cage, it showed another month on another day, but the same year...

I've been in here for a month...? Holy shit.

This can't be...someone has to have come looking for me. The police will be here any minute, they just have to.

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