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Lorraine's POV

  I just finished taking my midnight test and it was a bit exhausting, mom didn't let me go that easily, I thought she was going to make me go to bed as soon as I finished one of her test but she gave me five more, making my head hurt a bit. I enter the room that I shared with my siblings and sat on my bed. Staring outside the window, I smiled and walk in front of it, looking into the beautiful light of the moon, it's so relaxing. It might be weird but for me, in this house, I started to think that the happiness isn't outside, because as long as were all complete, me and my siblings, I will be always happy.

"It's already midnight, can't sleep?" I heard a voice behind me and I was shocked to see Norman, he smiled to me before standing beside me.

"Yeah, I couldn't stop thinking about our escape plan, I'm scared that if we don't succeed we'll all fall in the hands of those demons." I said while staring at him, Norman put his left arm around my shoulder and pull me closer to him, I smiled. He replaced all of my worries as he hug me, sharing his very own warmth with me.

"Have you heard about poems, Lorraine?" He asked me while stroking my hair with his hand.

"Norman, I've been reading all sorts of books in the library and been studying here since my brain developed, Are you really asking me that?" I joked and laughed but he just smiled and kissed my forehead.

"You know what, I just want to thank you for being the best sister, for making me feel so complete when I'm beside you." He said and I blushed in a shade of pink, gladly that the room is dark.

"Is that a poem?" I ask him.

"It's for you, I just read it from a book and it reminds me of you." Norman said and giggled.

"You're such a kind brother, Norman." I said to him, he just buried his head on my shoulder and I felt his arms around my body tighten a bit.

"The moment that were finally free from here, I will make you happy, I will make all of our siblings happy. I promise you that, Lorraine." Norman said, I brush my hand behind his back before pulling him from my shoulder, I put his forehead on mine and closed my eyes.

"You and I, will be always connected Norman, no matter what happen I will protect you to achieve those plans." I whispered to him.

Norman and I decided to sleep beside each other, scared that it might be the last that we can sleep comfortably. Some may not notice it but I know that Norman is also nervous, he stays strong for Emma and our siblings. He will always put the happiness of our siblings and mine before his, that's why I'm here to make sure that he's always happy, I'm here to take those sadness away from him, even if it costs my own.

No matter what happens, I will always stay beside you, because you chased away my own demons and replaced them with pretty stars.


I felt a tap on my shoulder making me jolt up from my slumber, Emma smiled beside me as she helped me to fix my white hair, she pulled me out of our room without speaking before we went downstairs, our siblings were already around the dining hall, ready to eat but some of them were still running, while the others are still sleepy like me.

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