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Lorraine's POV

   I stared at Ray who's sitting on the bed of their shared room, Norman only grab my hand to walk towards him. I studied his face for a moment, Ray looked so nervous but wore a cocky smirk on his lips, playing with the pillow on the bed as he slowly rise on his feet, ready to welcome our accusation, ready to defend his own. I cleared my throat as I pull back all the tears from my eyes.

"You were lying right? you're the traitor, Ray." Norman didn't sugar coat his words, he said it straight to the raven haired boy in front of us.

"Oh, Is something wrong Norman? Did you already realized it?" Ray said, standing up and spreading his arms wide, provoking my twin brother even more.

"You missed something Ray, I set a trap for three people." Norman said with a small smile and chuckled, leaving Ray speechless and blank, pale as a paper. Norman smirked before speaking again, "Lorraine and I said everything about the rope, where we hide them, right in front of you Ray."

"We actually told them different spots after, we hide it from you and when Norman retrieve it earlier, the only rope that is missing is the one from the bed of my twin brother, Don is innocent." I said, looking away from Ray.

"Such a good character for the traitor." Norman said and Ray only groaned before letting his body fall on the bed, his arms wide open as he sigh.

"I thought I was doing good, I thought I can fool the three of you but I didn't expect that you'll catch up earlier and yeah, you're right, I'm the spy of mom." Ray said, sitting up on the bed with his other leg swinging on the floor while the other one is tucked up to his chest.

"When did you start to suspect me then?" Ray asked my brother, smirking.

"Right after sister Krone came." He answered.

"That's fast." Ray replied, his eyes darts toward mine making me see the night in his eyes.

"Yeah and sometimes, I feel so disgusted about the way I think, the way I suspected my friend and that's a huge problem, because from the enemy's view, you're the best character to be a traitor." Norman said, shadow looming over his eyes while looking down on Ray.

"Because there's no one else who could do the job like you." He continued speaking, the coldness and sharpness of his voice never leave.

"Is that the reason why you suspected me?" Ray asked him.

"And I wished that it wasn't true because that would make everything harder and I want to ask something. Mom would never trust someone to be a spy in this house, How long have you been spying everyone?" Norman asked, curiosity seeping in his eyes.

"Long time ago." Ray answered casually.

  Yes because mom realized that he can be an enemy, he's an enemy, he can be so dangerous that mom had to put a leash around his neck to be her spy then she'll dispose Ray if he ever do something unpleasant. If Ray would let us escape instead. I look at Norman beside me to see him clenching his fist, his eyes can blow fire from anger.

"So you're not just a spy huh? but you're a pawn of mom." Norman said, with anger in his voice, I can see his jaw flexing with a bead of sweat falling from his forehead.

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