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Lorraine's POV

  The time of night has come and every kid of the Grace Field house is finally resting inside. Emma, Norman, Ray, Gilda, Don and I went to Ray's shared bedroom and discussed the whole matter privately. The secret room of mom could possibly led us to the truth about the outside world, I only know a little about it but if we can access the inside of that secret room, we can search through different books and things inside of it!

"So the house has a secret room?" Don ask and Emma quickly grab a sheet of paper while Gilda hands her a pencil.

"Yes and that room is located here." Emma said, sketching the whole second floor and circling a certain wall between Mom's room and a bedroom used by us children.

"And you know what guys, every night that we observe mom, we always notice that she's going inside the washroom or inside her office before vanishing." Gilda explained and push her glasses up to her nose bridge.

"So after knowing about the secret room, I measured the distance of the inside and hallway side of the room." Emma said while giving us a toothy smile, I also smiled to her and ruffled her hair.

"And the results?" Don ask.

"The distance didn't matched, there's a ten steps spaces between the two rooms." Emma answered and scratch the back of her head. Suddenly, my mind ran faster like a speed of light and whispered to Emma,

"I think, there's a door on both rooms that connects to the secret room." I said and twirl a strand of my white hair between my fingers, my mannerism is back again.

"The secret room is probably where mom connects or talks to the headquarters where the babies are produced." Ray explained and sighed.

"Did you also knew that there was a secret room before?" Norman ask the raven haired boy.

"Nope, I don't even suspected it even though I knew that there must be a room like that in the house." He answered him calmly, keeping the tension away from our little meeting.

"Let's try to get into the secret room!" Don yelled and I almost slap myself with my own hand, he should think before blurting out something like that!

"There might be a way to communicate outside and to know the location of our siblings, to know where Conny is!" Don yelled with his palms closing to fist, I hold down Ray to keep his mouth from hurting Don's feelings, I know that he'll probably insult him or something.

"But what about the key? If mom is keeping it a secret then the door of it is probably locked." Gilda said to Don, making him snap from his own speech.

"Can you open it, Norman?" I ask my dear twin brother and he only shook his head in disappointment.

"It depends on what lock mom uses." He answered and grip my left hand to his, he's shaking. He must be nervous too. I know that Norman wants to help us a lot but like any other kids here in the house, we can't move freely the way we want to.

"Hold it guys, there's no even advantage in doing that." Ray said and raise his hand to stop our thoughts.

"The device that mom uses is most likely connected to the headquarters, plus, mom doesn't even know where our siblings are and there must be record if she know something." Ray explained and nodded his head to me, as if asking me to give my opinions.

"Ray's right and the tracking device might give our locations to mom and sister Krone, It's too dangerous because we don't know what kind of security that room has, I'm saying that the risk is higher than the benefit that we can get from this." I explained with seriousness in my voice, keeping their attention to me and my own opinion from the plan.

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