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Lorraine's POV

  My vision is a little blurry but as I open it again, everything seems a bit more clear. I can even see the dust falling from the webs up the ceiling of the office, it took me a few minutes to control my body again. I convinced mom to take me back to the classroom so I can have my test again. She agreed and take me back, I slowly bent my body to bow in front of my siblings.

"I'm so sorry about the earlier!" I almost yelled as my cheeks blushed in embarrassment.

"Lorraine!" I felt a pair of arms wrapped around my frail body. I hug Norman back and kissed his cheeks.

"I'm okay now!" I said and pull him back to sit down on our chairs again.

"Lorraine is sick and I'm still working to find out the disease, don't worry, it's not that dangerous but it might be if it's not cured immedietly." Mom said to us before she told us to restart our test again.

  This time, my brain function so perfectly and I swiftly answer it. Finishing the test in just a few seconds, Mom smirked and I only turn my head away from her gaze. I felt a tap behind my back and I look behind me to see Ray, a concern emotion covering his eyes.

"Are you all right?" He ask and I slowly nod my head.

"I'll be all right soon! Don't worry, I wouldn't like to be a burden for our plans." I said, smiling and hiding the pain of my throbbing head, the pain only starts after I answered the test, weird.

"You're not a burden." Ray said, standing up as I only stare up to him. He sighed and gently put his forehead on mine, closing his eyes as I also did.

  The way his forehead touches mine gives me a serene feeling, it almost feel like I'm floating but at the same time, it felt like I'm running in a marathon with my heart beating so fast. Ray slowly let go and kissed the top of my head before he helped me to stand up and grab my left hand, holding it. I tried to breath again and succeed after a few attempts of inhaling oxygen, my cheeks became red, you can almost compare me to a tomato if you're seeing my face. This is making me embarrassed and flustered.

"Lorraine!" Emma and Norman suddenly called the two of us, making me let go of Ray's hand. I almost whimper from the lost of warmth but hide it well.

"Let's go to the library again after lunch!" Emma said before Norman kissed my cheek and ruffling my hair.

"I'm still worried, we'll talk about everything later." Norman whispered before following Emma to the kitchen, they're the assigned ones to prepare lunch for today.

  Ray's hand slowly made their way to mine, enveloping them again and making me feel safe. I walk with him outside the house and went to the garden while holding each other's hands. I sit under the shade of an apple tree before Ray sit beside me, resting his head above my shoulder.

"Hey, how long has it been since you last slept peacefully?" He ask, I didn't look at him and only stare at the flowers far from us.

"I don't know, I haven't had any peaceful sleep since I was a kid." I said truthfully, how can I sleep when every time I close my eyes, Noah is showing up with our siblings!

"Tell me how you're feeling right now." Ray said, his voice becoming shy and quiet.

"I don't know, I guess I'm missing Noah a lot since you mentioned him before." I muttered and lay on the grass, staring up the leaves of the tree.

"Do you remember anything before Noah left?" Ray ask, I curiously look at him.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

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