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Lorraine's POV

  I sat under the gaze of the man in front of me, his hands working on their own as he swiftly sign different papers on mom's office desk. The man looked at me before handing Mr. Andrew a paper, he slowly stood up before sitting in front of me, checking my reactions then suddenly, he clicked his tongue in irritation, telling Mr. Andrew that he should go out the room. I stare back at the man in front of me, the same blue eyes that Norman and I have.

  The man had given me my medicine and injected something in my body, this time, it's a transparent color and he told me that we'll do an experiment in an island. I even read some of the files from the table, I sneakily got it after he excused to use the bathroom, that man is planning to inject something in my eye, directly and I was about to finish reading it when he came back. Right now, it scares me so much, I'm so scared of their plans and I'm so scared that this man is just in front of me right now.

"How does this other eye feel?" He ask and point his finger towards my right eye, I let myself check the eye with my own fingers but he quickly pull back my hands.

"You don't need to touch them, just let yourself feel the eye. Are you really this stupid? Disgusting." He said with venom dripping down his voice, making me shiver in fear.

"Y-Yes, I will." I said and closed my eyes. I don't want to open them, I don't want to see this man again.

"Now, tell me the results." He said, making me flinch from his harsh tone.

"It felt normal." I said truthfully.

"Then, we'll proceed to the next experiment." He said as he slowly pull me from the seat.

  The man grip my arm tightly as he guided me outside, we used the backdoor to exit the house and were about to enter the forest when Mr. Andrew suddenly stopped him.

"Sir, we can't go there yet! A message was sent to me that there's an on going work in the island." Mr. Andrew said, he glanced at me and nodded his head.

"We'll have to postpone the experiment today? That's quite unfortunate." The man said before letting go of my arm.

"Let's go, Andrew." He said before looking down at me, slightly bending down to my level.

"I'll see you again next time, 33194." He said before patting my head and going with Mr. Andrew.

  I suddenly felt myself go weak before I stumbled on a stone, making me sit on the grass. It all hit me at once, all of my problems, all of my worries, all of the things that I'm scared. I can feel the air around me stop, it feels like there's no oxygen for me anymore. My tears slowly runs down my eyes as I sob quietly, I could feel the walls around me crushing, they're burying me alive. I want to stay strong, I need to stay strong for Emma and for our siblings, for Ray and for Norman but, this is just too much.

  The secrets that I'm hiding, that man who always go in the house to check me and give different experiments on me, Mr. Andrew who's kind sometimes but most of the time he's harsh and abusive, I don't know if this is the effect of the medicines but I could feel my heart, it's like thousands of feet is stomping on it. My mind is going blank, is this what they call breaking down? An emotional breakdown?

"Lorraine?" A voice called out for me but I just stare to the scene in front of me, the trees in front of me.

"Are you all right?" The voice asked me again, I smiled and wiped my cheeks.

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