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Lorraine's POV

  After eating lunch, I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth before going out the house, I meet up with Ray, Gilda and Don went out the house after a few moments with Emma and Norman behind them. I smiled but the thoughts of sister Krone quickly invade my mind. I know that I don't have any good memories with her but she told me to remain strong, to not break myself, she acted like a real mom. Even if sister Krone is a little harsh on us and a traitor, she also helped us, she gave different information, she kept the kids happy in this house. Even if I don't know a lot about her, It still hurts that she's now gone, a high possibility that the demons already killed her crawled in my thoughts.

"After six days, we'll carry out the escape plan but if we can, I would like to move it tomorrow." Norman said with his eyes looking so determined.

"Before mom and sister Krone could even make a move, we'll quickly take advantage of the situation and break the tracking device, everything is settled now the last one in the list is the vicinity." I said and Norman nodded his head. "Let's go, once we finish this, we'll quickly escape."

  13:00, the checking of the vicinity begins.


I sighed while looking beside me, Ray told me to stay beside him but I shook my head, I should stay with Gilda and Don. My hands were shaking as I look towards the forest, I hope that Emma and Norman can check the vicinity as fast as possible.

"Hey, calm down guys, let's trust them." I said as I put a hand on Gilda's shoulder, she looks so tense.

"I know, I wish that this plan would go smoothly." She whispered and I nodded my head.

  Ray will send a signal if he fail to distract mom and the three of us needs to let Emma and Norman know after the signal.

After a few minutes of waiting, mom came out the house and we didn't receive any signals from Ray, I look beside me and tap Don's shoulder, he nodded his head and quickly enter the house. He needs to find Ray, the adult probably found out about everything now and she's getting rid of Ray just like what she did to sister Krone.

"Lorraine." I heard mom's voice behind me and I slowly turn my eyes to her.

"Mom, do you need something from me?" I ask her while smiling softly.

"You're coming with me." She said, giving me back my own poison of smile.

  Before I could even make excuses mom only hold my wrist tighter as she force me to go with her. I don't know what she's planning but I'm not letting her ruin our plans!

"Mom! My eyes! My eyes! It hurts!" I screamed while putting a hand on my left eyes.

  She quickly tends to my needs but it only last for a few minutes. She didn't speak again and only pull me to walk further into the forest, I even make myself heavier so that she'll have some problems but this woman is strong.

We need you now Ray! Gilda! Don! We need the three of you!

"Mom? Did something happened?" Emma ask as Mom found her, the tracker in her hands made a click sound as she close it with her fingers.

"Hey, Lorraine!" Norman tried to act normal but I only looked away.

  They need to complete the inspection no matter what! If mom is the problem then maybe I can help, maybe I can sneak from her grip and take her down. I can see the confusion of their faces behind their masks, Emma and Norman is confused why mom is here and why I'm with her.

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