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Lorraine's POV

  I woke up hearing a gasp from the person beside me, I quickly jump from the bed to see Norman, looking pale like his hair and sweating wildly. He looks like he just went from a war and woke up, Christie, one of our siblings who shares room with Norman is sitting on the top of him with a grin on his lips. Norman only smiled and pinched the cheeks of the small child, putting Christie down on the floor and nodding his head to me but before he could stand up, I pull him down again and rest my forehead on his.

"Did you have a nightmare?" I ask him with my worried voice.

"L-Lorraine..." He muttered my name like he's about to lie but my eyes sparkled from the sunlight seeping through the window before answering him, "Yes?"

"What is it about? Can you tell me about your dream?" I ask him gently, I don't want to make him uncomfortable. Norman only smiled with sadness lacing it and hug me to his chest.

"I dreamt of mom and sister Krone becoming a monster, I dreamt of everyone dying because I didn't tricked Emma, Because I didn't do what Ray wants." He whispered in my ear and I could feel his emotions.

  He's been stressing out since last night, he needs to trick Emma but he can't, So he wanted to trick Ray instead and he ended up exploding just like me. Having a nightmare and having his true feelings and emotions explode.

"I'm sorry that I couldn't talk to you last night, you're already sleeping when I came here, so maybe we can talk later, hmm?" I said and smile. Norman sends it back to me sweetly and kissed my cheeks before we both stood up, hugging our siblings and going downstairs to eat our breakfast.

  The dining hall is busy as ever as our siblings ran around, some even trips to the foot of the chairs but I and Gilda helped them quickly to regain their balance, I smiled to Gilda before going back to Norman and staring to our surroundings, smelling the freshly baked bread and mom's special soup. I smiled and saw Emma going down the stairs before greeting us so cheerfully like she would every morning.

  I don't want to lie to her too.

"Good morning Norman and Lorraine." Ray greeted the two of us and ruffled my hair before sitting on a chair in front the table, I only smiled to him while Norman greet him back.

"C'mon, let's eat now." Mom went out from the kitchen with a pitcher of freshly squeezed orange juice.

  We all started eating after we thanked for the food and as I bite to the bread, my eyes shine in amazement, the soft and crunchy texture of the bread is driving me crazy, mom is truly a great cook! The laughter and chit chats of my small siblings filled the dining hall, making me feel comfortable but not under the gaze of mom.

"C'mon now and finish our meals." I heard her said while I munch on the two breads in my plates.

  Norman giggled to the scene beside him but I only rolled my eyes before continuing to my meal, Emma gave me a puzzled look while Ray only blushed while eating his meal silently. I shrug their stares off and finished my meal, I help Gilda and Anna to wash the plates before going to our classroom and having our daily test, it's easy and all but my head is hurting, I don't know why. These daily tests are hundred times easier than my midnight test, I shouldn't be feeling this.

"Wow! Gilda and Don also did amazing! Phil, your scores also went up! This is wonderful, keep it up!" Mom said to my siblings and I just giggled from the look that Don and Gilda gave when mom stare at them, they have to get used with it.

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