Chapter 58

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Cally's pov

That night, I woke up to go to the toilet. I carefully got Newt's arms off of me and got up. Only for him to wake up anyway. He took my hand in his as I stood up, "Don't leave," he whispered.
     I turned to him, shooting him a small smile, hoping he could see it in the dark. "I'm just gonna pee,  I'll be back."
     Newt nodded once and let go of my hand, "sorry," he mumbled.
     My smile didn't leave my face, "it's okay."
     Newt was really worrying me right now. I knew he was a sensitive person, even though he tried not to show it that much. He's fiercely loyal and cares so much about his friends. Losing three of them at once... it must be such a big emotional hit for him, the damage was showing. I felt like crying, I also just lost three of my friends, but I couldn't do that. Newt needed me right now, and I wasn't going to let him down.
     I did my business on the toilet and went back upstairs to my own room. I tried to be as quiet as possible, not wanting to wake the other Gladers. I carefully opened the door from my room and couldn't help but smile at what I saw. Newt was still awake, and he was petting Bark. The dog had jumped on the bed and was half laying on Newt. Her head high as she tried to lick his face. Newt, on his turn, was trying to keep her from reaching his face while petting the dogs head at the same time.
     They hadn't even noticed I was in the room until I spoke up, trying to sound as over dramatic as I could. "Ow no! My best friend and my dog! I've been betrayed!"
     Now the two looked over at me, Newt had a really small smile on his face, "ya've been replaced, Cals, sorry."
      I giggled at his response as I closed the door behind me. Bark jumped off my bed to greet me, and I took that opportunity to sit down beside Newt again. "Did you replace me, or did Bark?" I asked as I buried my legs under the blanket, leaning them against Newt's.
     Newt acted like he was thinking about his answer, but before he could say anything, Bark jumped back on the bed, laying down on both of us, making us laugh slightly. "I think Bark just claimed both of us," I joked.
     "Yeah, good that." Newt responded. I wanted to lay down again, but only then I noticed something glistening in his eyes. The small smile I had on my face disappeared and made place for worry.
     "Newt... are you crying?" I asked in a soft voice. His smile disappeared as well, and he quickly rubbed his eyes.
     "No, it's- it's fine. I'm fine."
     I brought my hand to his face and felt the tear stains on his cheek, "it's okay if you're not." I said as I wiped away the tears. Newt didn't respond with words, but I could see him close his eyes and feel him starting to shake. Immediately, I wrapped my arms around him again, hugging him tight.
     "It's okay, it's going to be okay," I whispered in his ear. He just responded with hugging me back, a few sobs escaping his mouth. "I'm here," I continued, "I'll always be here." Newt didn't say anything, he just hugged me tighter. Before I knew it, Bark jumped up as well. First, I felt her breath in my neck, she was nuzzling Newt's face, licking it a few times. Making him pull back and wipe the saliva from his face. Bark didn't get the hint, though. She just forced herself in between us. Prying her body between our arms before she sat down, half on my lap and half on Newt's, started to lick his face more. I giggled as Newt squeezed his eyes shut and tried to push Bark away.
     "Get that shuck dog off of me!" He commanded, I tried to suppress my laugh as I pulled Bark off the bed.
     "See? Even Bark tries to make you feel better, she's giving you kisses."
     Newt wiped his face again with his arm, "it's bloody disgustin'." He said, making me chuckle.
     "Hear that, Barky? He thinks your kisses are disgusting." Bark just looked at me while I heard Newt growl.
     "Stop talkin' to the-"
     "Never," I said before he could finish, then, without really thinking, I kissed Newt's cheek. "Better?" I asked jokingly.
     Newt didn't really respond at first, he just rubbed his neck. "I don't know, can you do it again?" I scoffed and playfully slapped his arm, "so that's a no?" Newt asked, I could almost hear the amusement in his voice.
     "Got that right." I answered as I curled up against his chest again, arm around his waist. Newt also wrapped his arms around me. I sighed, and my voice went back to a more serious tone, "I mean it, Newt. I'm here for you, no matter what."
     Newt didn't respond for a while, one of his arms was wrapped around my waist he let his other hand go through my hair, I absolutely loved the feeling, making my musscles relax.
     "I-" Newt said after a while, "I am really sorry for hurting your wrist." His voice was shaky again, I wasn't sure that was all he meant with those words, even so, I let my hand trail down his arm and took his hand in mine.
     "That's alright, at least you didn't throw a bucket at me." I chuckled softly at my own joke, Newt joined in with a soft laugh of himself. We just lay there for a while, talking softly about nothing at all in between, until I felt Newt's breathing deepen, and I knew he had drifted off. I followed soon after.

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