The Jealousy Is Strong

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|The Jealousy Is Strong|



The last couple of days Olivia had been keeping a watchful eye on Julian.  He hadn’t said anything to her, and thankfully he hadn’t said anything to anyone else either.  The radio silence she seemed to be getting from him made her think that maybe the secret he thought he knew wasn’t that she was a girl, but perhaps something else entirely.  There was a possibility that he thought something else was her secret, but she had to stay on guard just in case.  She wasn’t going to approach him until he approached her.  If she confronted him, she might end up telling him that she’s a girl by accident.

She eyed him warily across the coffee table in the common room as he stared down boredly at his Uno cards.  It was raining today; total torrential downpour, and it had been Walker’s idea for them to meet up in his and Cash’s dorm to play a game.  She was surprised that he had offered to play a game of Uno when she had expected them to be boys and play video games.  So far all of her assumptions of “Boy World” (as she so kindly dubbed it) have been wrong or inconsistent.

“Uno out!”  Reid and Walker had shouted simultaneously.

Olivia slid her gaze slowly away from Julian to the pair of bickering boys.  Reid had but one card left to place on their large deck of upright cards.  In order for him to win or be out of the game he had to place it down on the deck with whatever matching color or number that was being dealt.  He argued that he had said it first, while Walker had said otherwise.

Olivia’s lips quirked up into an amused smile.  Watching Walker or any of the boys argue with each other was amusing and entertaining, and always ended up in someone being wrestled to the ground.  Olivia didn’t know if it was a boy thing or just their thing, but she sure as hell was going to find out for her paper.

Speaking of which she hadn’t exactly started it yet.  She had notes, observations, thoughts and questions compiled and written, but that was it so far.  She had been too distracted and had a lot of homework as of late.  She hadn’t taken into account that while she would be attending BAB that she would still have to do work other than her own.

She should probably start something tonight…

She snapped out of her train of thought as someone impatiently snapped their fingers in front of her face.  “Hey I’m talkin’ to you squirt!”

Her shocked expression faded and turned into a pout.  She had never been self-conscious about her height before, but now surrounded by tall boys who pointed out her comparably small stature, she had started to feel that way.  So she defended, “I’m not that short.”

Reid smirked as he leaned back on his hands.  “Maybe somewhere in the Shire you’re not, but in the real world you are.”

She frowned at his Lord of the Rings reference.  She hoped that he didn’t mean that she resembled a hobbit, no matter how adorable Elijah Wood looked as one.  She stuck her tongue out at him immaturely.  Reid had been nice, yes, but he was slowly going back to his old ways of teasing her.  He rolled his eyes, the smirk falling off his face as he asked, “You didn’t hear a word I said did you?”

Olivia averted her eyes from his gaze bashfully, an embarrassing blush dusting across her cheeks.  “No…”

Dallas clapped his hands together excitedly and shouted, “We’re going to party!”

Olivia’s brows furrowed as she looked toward Cash for confirmation.  He nodded, a small grin on his face.  She looked toward Dallas again.  “What do you mean?”

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