Chapter Two

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   What Naruto sadly didn't know was that rookie 12 were planning to find out what was going on with the happy-go-lucky-baka. They couldn't understand why their friend was acting the way he was.
   Before they could question Naruto, he seemed to just disappear out of thin air, like he was never there.
   The senseis were baffled when they saw him suddenly vanish using the shunshin. They didn't think that he would know that jutsu, or even master it at best.
   Back with our favorite blonde. Naruto was packing up all of his things. He didn't want the villagers to get their hands on his stuff. He cut off Kurama in his mindscape from knowing anything since he knew next to nothing about his jailer. He didn't even know that Naruto was depressed or anything. All he knew was that he got constant beatings from the villagers and that he was hiding his emotions, if he even had any.
   Naruto sealed all his things in different scrolls and put them in his backpack, wondering if Sakura was going to hit him if it seemed like he only packed to last for three days at most.
   Soon enough he was limping towards the village gates, thankful that none of the villagers took notice of him for once. When he saw no one there, he decided to look at the sun to see what time it was. Apparently it only took him 10 minutes to pack all his things.
   He decided that since a certain training ground was nearby, he would practice some of his jutsus and his taijutsu.
   What he didn't know was that while he was training, rookie 12's senseis were watching him fight. He only found out when one of them let their chakra slip. Once Kakashi noticed what he did, he looked up to see Naruto staring at him with a blank face. Then his face suddenly cracked into a smile that washed away all the worry that everyone had.
   Naruto was silently freaking out inside his mind when he saw the senseis stare at him in confusion. The good thing was that he wasn't using much of his strength while doing his little training session and didn't care as much as he probably should have. Only if he had more emotions he would've probably let them slip beyond his mask. But he didn't.
   Soon enough everyone else arrived and took notice of how their senseis were staring at Naruto like he was a puzzle. In a way, he was. They didn't take into account that they knew next to nothing about him also.
   Now we get to the point where he is in the back of the group as they walk. What none of the students knew was that the senseis were also assigned to a mission. They were told that they had to deliver a letter to a certain person and take as much time as needed. None of the genin knew that this was actually an S-rank mission, so the senseis swore that they would protect their cute little genin at all cost.
   Soon enough, it was night time and they sat up camp, as if none of them saw Naruto all alone setting up his own tent he packed so that he didn't have to share with anyone. They all thought it was totally unfair that Naruto got his own tent since even the senseis had to share, except the girl. Kurenai was allowed to have her own tent and Asuma, Kakashi, and Gai had to share one tent. Don't worry, the tent was big enough for the three.
   Soon enough everyone had their tent mates and sat down near the campfire that Kakashi made after Gai and him had another argument. Please, it was so stupid I don't even want to say what it was about. Just letting you know that Kakashi won.
   Back to the campfire. Naruto was just staring at the fire, watching it as he moved his hands to move the fire around. He loved doing that, playing with the elements.
   Shikamaru was watching as Naruto slightly moved hands to the motion of the fire... or the fire moving to the motion of Naruto hands. Shikamaru stared wide eyed at Naruto as the senseis also watched what Naruto was doing. The other ninja returned with food for dinner and slowly sat down, as to not alert their blonde headed friend.
   The silence was ruined as the Banshee(Sakura) said(more like yelled)," How is Naruto doing that?"Soon enough Naruto snapped his head up as the fire quickly stopped moving. He slightly glared at Sakura and mumbled something under his breath as he smirked back at Sakura.
   "OK... so we are all going to share what day our birthdays are and our worst memory. Starting with Kiba," Kakashi said as everyone nodded.
   "My birthday is July 7. My worst memory is getting lost in a forest when I was younger," Kiba replies as he looks towards Hinata so that she could continue.
   Soon enough, it was Naruto's turn. Naruto was trying to think of one of his worst memories while also trying to not have a flashback.
   "The baka probably doesn't have a bad mem-" Ino starts but is cut off by Naruto.
   "My worst memory? I don't know which birthday I should pick. Maybe my 12 birthday," Naruto responds as his eyes slowly dull. Soon enough, he was having a flashback.
   Specifically on his 12 birthday he tried to play the 'I am a ninja now, you can't harm me' card.
   Soon enough he was in an alleyway after a rather gruesome beating and saw a ninja heading towards him. He thought the ninja was going to help him now that he was a ninja to, but he shot a fire ball at Naruto. If Naruto wasn't able to move to the side, he would be a burnt chicken. Good thing was that he only got burnt a little. Bad thing is that his right arm was covered in burns now. His right arm was already healing, but it would surely leave burn marks all over his arm.
   Then he suddenly felt something hit his left eye. He tried to pull it out without making his eye come out with it, so he pulled the kunai out of his eye.
*Flashback Ended*
   When Naruto woke up the next morning in the alleyway, he knew that he was blind in his left eye, but kept a genjutsu on it so it looked like he could see through that eye. After that he started training all his other senses so that in case his other eye goes blind at some point, he wouldn't have to worry about having to train his senses. Rather do it with one eye than none.
   Naruto looked around as the others watched him curiously. He then noticed that he was tense and almost threw a kunai at Kakashi.
   "Sorry Kakashi-sensei. Anyways, my birthday is October 10," Naruto says as he watches every ones expressions change from confused to saddened, since they didn't remember his birthday was today.
   "Anyways, who is taking first watch?" asked Kakashi as he looked around. That is when he saw Naruto's hand high in the air.
   "OK. Naruto is taking first watch. Naruto, I need you to wake me up in three hours so that you can get some sleep also," Kakashi says.
   "I don't think that is necessary. I can stay up all night, so don't worry," Naruto says as he hops into a tree and sits down on one of the smaller branches that would've broke even under Sakura's weight.
   Asuma suddenly asked Naruto,"Do you have trouble sleeping?"
   "Of course I do. Everybody has trouble sleeping at times, don't they?" Naruto ask Asuma as Asuma started thinking.
   "How often do you not get sleep?" Asuma skeptically asked as Naruto's smile drooped.
   "About... well, the last time I got a full night sleep with no interruptions was back when I was about... five at the most," Naruto says as he stares down at the ground.
   Everybodies jaws dropped at what they heard Naruto say next.
   "And I haven't been able to sleep at all for the past five days. Too many harmful memories haunt my dreams. It is my birthday, after all," everyone stared in horror at Naruto as they noticed the slightly dark bags under his eyes.
   "But, I am taking watch all night,that's final," Naruto says as he shoos them away into their tents,"And don't bother waking up in the middle of the night to force me to bed. It is not going to happen."
   Soon enough everyone goes to bed except Naruto, he stays up talking to Kurama. Soon enough, they get on a sour subject for Naruto.
   Naruto decide to cut off the mental link after that and sit there, dragging a kunai against his unburnt left arm. Kurama didn't know about his mental state to well and just that he was sad sometimes, just not totally depressed and suicidal.

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