Chapter Sixteen

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     Isan rushed to his office and darted through the streets as multiple people hurried to move out of the way of their kage. They didn't say anything about it, since this usually happened after he got back from long trips.
     Kotaru raced after him and apologized to the civilians for Isan when they just waved it off as if it was no problem. Kotaru was quite happy about the predicament and continued on his way, following Isan close behind to make sure he doesn't accidentally stab himself with a kunai while walking again. His boss was clumsy as hell, but he loved his job and it got the bills paid.
     A couple minutes later Isan was seen looking over some important documents and making sure to sign his signature on the things he agreed with. Faster than what should be humanly impossible, he finished his couple stacks of paper when he heard a kunai cut through the air and blood sprayed everywhere. He watched as the door opened all the way while preceding to stand up, only to catch a limp Tsunade and set her on his desk.
     He watched as Kotaru took a swift breath before he also collapsed, immediately dead on the floor, covering all the important documents with blood. He rushed out the window, glad that they made his kage tower with a window for once.
     Isan looked down the streets and watched as they were continuously covered in blood. He prayed he wasn't dreaming, but I can assure you, he wasn't dreaming. He tried to find the source of the massacre, but couldn't seem to find it until he reached his house.
     He collapsed when he saw Kurama struggling to breath and keep Yuki alive, which was in his arms bleeding to death. He looked around and could see through one of the windows, intestines. At least what looked like intestines, he couldn't tell behind the curtain of tears that were flowing down his face. He tried to wipe away the tears, only then realizing the duckbutt hair going with it. He felt a sob rack his body as Kura looked up at him and whispered something that he couldn't hear, then Kurama's human body went limp, and since he had been in his human form for so long, he left behind no chakra and no chance of reviving himself again. Isan felt as if a part of him was ripped away as he screamed in agony and nearly lost it before he remembered his dear Hina.
     He looked around closely, but couldn't find her body lay strewn in his own front lawn. What a sight to see when coming home!
    Isan raced inside and watched in horror as one of his beloved ancestors hung from his chandelier by her own intestines that wer knitted together to create a long rope. He would've gagged if he wasn't so use to the injury. He himself had done that multiple times while taking assassination missions for fun, and thought they looked funny. Now he could understand what people meant when he walked through the village and heard them talk about the horrifying scene that was probably etched in most of their minds, and immediately regretted everything he had done. All the families he had ruined. He couldn't believe the amount of blood and souls that were already on his hands, but then remembered that all of them were in some shape or form, a complete and utter monster in human flesh.
     Isan raced up the steps and reached the top, only to see more people that were part of the Uzumaki branch family strewn everywhere in pieces. He accidentally stepped on one of their chopped off fingers as he took in the scene as slow as possible, to remember what he had to fight for in the end, because this would scar him for the rest of his life. He couldn't help but stare a little longer than necessary.
     His breath hitched when he met the doorway to a balcony in his bedroom. His and Hina's. His eyes started swelling with tears and his heart learched, as if he had just been stabbed in the said area. He hurried out the balcony doors, and watched as Hina suddenly collapsed, spewing blood after a black blur disappeared, no doubt going on to kill more people in his village.
     He dove onto the floor before Hina completely collapsed, laying her as comfortably as possible against the stone.
     "N-naruto, are you there?" Hina whispered as her eyes swam with tears. She probably couldn't see a thing and concentrate enough on anything to see it. He reached out his hand and clutched her hand tightly.
     "Hina-Chan, I'm right here. Please, please don't leave me alone. I just gained you back, and I don't think I can lose anyone else. I don't think I can do anything without you anymore. Please, say something!" He yelled out as he saw her breath start to come in short gasps.
     "We would've had the perfect child, you know," she said as her eyes slowly started losing its light.
     He looked urgently at her and asked"What do you mean?"
     "I-I," blood spewed out of her mouth as she continued trying to inhale air,"I was p-pregnant, b-but, the c-child's d-d-d-." Her eyes glazed over and he watched the light leave her periwinkle eyes.
     "HINA-CHAN! NO, DON'T LEAVE ME ALONE HERE TO DIE! PLEASE! LET ME DIE WITH YOU!" Isan called out in pain as his heart felt like it collapsed in on itself, and he continued laying there with his hand in hers. He collapsed to the side, his heart giving into the collapsing of his mental structure. He slumped down in Hina and his unborn child's blood, seeing a stab wound protrude from her abdomen. He let out another tearful cry of despair, before closing his eyes, and wishing for sleep at last.
There we go. It is the very end.
Anyways, happy Friday the Thirteenth.
Have a horrible day.
No peace.

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