Chapter Seven

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Naruto woke up  after he heard Tsunade shuffling papers around on her desk.
      "You awake Naruto?" Tsunade asked as he nodded his,"Come here. I want to ask you one question."
      Naruto slowly got up but then noticed that his genjutsus were dispelled and that his jumpsuit was off, leaving her to see all his scars. He wrapped a blanket around his body as he got up and stalked towards Tsunade's desk.
      "You've been hiding things from me this whole time. So tell me, just how strong is your hate to yourself? On a scale from one to ten, one being that you care about yourself to a significant amount and ten being that you absolutely hate yourself and your life and wished you were dead." Once Tsunade spoke those words, he actually had to ponder about saying over ten or just ten. But he thought, Fuck it.
      "Over ten..." Tsunade lost the gleam in her eyes as tears were about to pour out of her sockets ,"is how it was for a long time, but recently... I don't know? Maybe a seven."
     Tsunade was happy that he was a seven but that was nothing to be happy about. But hey, at least they were starting to make a difference.
     "Ok, and another question. The skills that you have showed so far have been past mid-jounin, maybe even low-hokage leveled skills. Please tell me, how strong do you consider yourself to be?" Tsunade asked as she made sure to word her sentence right.
     "Not sure. I've always acted like an idiot and never trained with anybody else," Naruto says as he  slowly looks around the room and heard a little movement outside the door. He decided to let them listen in since he would probably have to tell them about it sooner or later.
     "Are you fine with us testing out your skill range?" Tsunade asked as to not force the poor boy into doing anything he didn't want to do.
     Naruto's eyes glittered with tears as he slowly walked around the desk and hugged Tsunade.
    Tsunade was so shocked that she just sat there for a second doing nothing, then raised her arms to hold Naruto in her embrace. She felt tears pouring out of Naruto's eyes as she slowly patted his back.
    About five minutes later Naruto mumbled a sudden,"Thank you for treating me like a human being. I've never really been treated that way."
     Tsunade nodded as she wiped away her tears as well and finally said,"Then you are going to go against rookie 12 and their senseis. You will go against rookie 12 first while they are grouped together into certain groups. We have to make sure they can work with anybody and save their behinds when need be. Try to give the senseis a hard time also. I always love seeing their confusion," Tsunade finished as she cracked her knuckles.
     "And only knock them out. I don't need to have a hospital taking care of all of them, okay?" Naruto nodded as he saw the clothes on the desk. Just a simple long-sleeved black shirt and black Anbu pants.
     "Hey, Baa-chan?"
     "Yes Naruto?"
     "Why are rookie 12 and our senseis standing outside the door?"
     "I know. You can hear them from a mile away with those fangirls screaming at Sasuke. Go ahead, give them a little scare while I finish this last piece of paperwork," Tsunade said as she picked up her pen and read the paper.
     While she did that Naruto slowly walked over to the door with the blanket still wrapped around him and stepped to the side of the door when he opened it. Rookie 12 and their senseis collapsed on the floor in Tsunade's office with shocked faces.
     "You guys weren't that good at being quiet. I could hear you walking up the steps. Good job not hiding your chakra also,"Naruto says as he shoves all of them back out and looks over at Tsunade. When Tsunade saw what happened, she was about to hit all their heads and send them out the door. They're ninjas for Kami's sake!
    As Tsunade finished her paperwork Naruto was suddenly in front of her desk when he said,"You know you can just use a shadow clone to do that paperwork, right?" Naruto asked as Tsunade was in shock.
    "WWWHHHAAATTT!!!" Tsunade yelled. Everyone in Konoha heard her yell and was wondering what was going on.
     "Okay! Today you are all going against Naruto to gauge his skill level. There is no holding back on both sides unless they will get killed or seriously injured. As I said before to Naruto, I don't need more people to take care of in the hospital. These are your assigned groups.
Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
     "Now get in your groups and some bonding. NOW!" She yelled as everyone stared at her in disbelief.
     "So why'd you pair certain people with certain people?" Asked Kakashi as Tsunade sipped a glass of fresh lemonade from a table by her lawn chair, waiting for the show to start.
     "I mixed them in a bowl and grabbed each one out to go in groups,"Tsunade shrugged as she continued sipping her water then yelled,"FIVE MINUTES!"
     As soon as those five minutes were over, they all saw a silhouette walking towards them and stopping by Tsunade.
     "Do I really have to do this?" Naruto asked as he took a sip of Tsunade's water.
     "Yes Naru. Now go ahead and start with Lee, Choji, Shino, and Kiba. HEY LEE'S TEAM, GET YO ASSES OVER HERE!!!" Tsunade yelled as everybody cleared the center.
     "Is there another chair?" Sakura asked Tsunade.
    "When you stop drooling over that damn Uchiha, sure. Until then, fuck off. Go sit on the ground by your team or something. You're nothing special."
     Sakura walked away with a dreary cloud above her head.
     "Ok, you can start anytime now."
     Naruto walked to the left side of the field and stood there with his hands in his pockets.
     "JUST GO ALREADY! Kami fuck, we've been here for an hour before you showed up!" yelled Shizune as she over exaggerated her claim.
     Kiba made the first move as he ran forward, still thinking that Naruto was weak like always.
     It looked like Naruto didn't even move when a random force made Kiba crash into a tree all the way across the field.
     What Naruto didn't notice was that Shino's chakra bugs were sucking away at his chakra.
     Oops, what did I say?
     Sorry, they all just fell down from absorbing too much chakra.
     Shino watched as they all fell around Naruto when he suddenly blacked out from shock.
     Choji was to busy eating to notice that the match had started, and que his chips being gone. Wooohh, they suddenly disappeared because author is being a bitch~.
     So while Choji was looking for his chips while I was munching on them(barbeque chips are good enough. I actually have some with me right now), Naruto just asked Choji if he needed help.
     "Ya, I just lost my chips. Will you help me?" Asked Choji as he turned his head left and right.
     "Sure," Naruto said as he handed a bag of barbeque chips to Choji-wait a minute... WHERE THE HELL DID MY BAG OF CHIPS GO!- Welp, Choji took my bag of barbeque chips and got knocked out by a sudden fist that Naruto didn't even throw(MUHAHAHAHA).
     Anyways, Lee was the only one left, so he decided to go all out and took off his weights. All Lee was to the genin and chunin was a blur when Naruto suddenly stuck his foot up and kicked Lee. Lee saw it from a long shot, but he was going to fast to stop and couldn't think of what to do.
     So Naruto kicked his groin and the fucker collapsed, the end.

     Nah just joking with you.
     So Group 2 had to come up next because we are (in my opinion with that I actually randomly picked names from a bowl) saving the best for last.
     So Naruto noticed that Tenten and Shikamaru actually took the time to come up with a plan since they got in position. Ino and Sakura were sitting under a tree just fighting over Duckass and Naruto decided to go knock them out quick and easy.
     What he did notice is that he was walking into a shadow and into Shikamaru's plan, but he could care less. He wanted to at least have a little challenge.
     So Shikamaru did the shadow thing and looked at Tenten so she could trap him down and Shikamaru could knock him out.
     But no no no, Naruto wouldn't be defeated that easy. Naruto easily took control over both their shadows since Tenten was hidden in a tree. What they didn't know was that Naruto was so enhanced with this jutsu that all he had to do was imagine them knocking each other out and they would do so.
     So that happened and now it is the last group. I know that that last one was short, but that was only because two of them really tried. There's your explanation.
     So Group 3 was prepared. Their plan was simple. Sasuke would put Naruto under a genjutsu while Neji blocked his chakra paths since Hinata didn't want to hurt Naruto. She was just going to let him knock her out or whatever.
    So Sasuke trapped Naruto under a genjutsu that would take half the chakra Sasuke had to dispel it. Neji sneaked up behind Naruto just in case and closed off most of his chakra points. Naruto dispelled the genjutsu and a tornado formed around him as his hand stopped moving in a blur. Naruto forced his chakra paths back open and made Neji pass out by the sight of it. Sasuke was thinking that he was hidden perfectly fine in a tree, but he was wrong.
     Naruto showed up behind him and before he could react, knocked him out.
     Naruto jumped down from the tree in front of Tsunade while Shizune was helping the others.
     "Now we wait for the others to wake back up so that they can see you and your senseis fight. Now, go make me fucking proud, understood?" Tsunade said as Naruto stole her water and drank a few sips before sitting down on her leg like a child.
     Now the senseis were a tad bit worried but hey, they believed that they were fine.
     How wrong they were.
      Did they totally forget about what happened when Naruto was locked up in chains? I sure as hell did until now. He created like a tornado protector thingy.
      So Naruto was going to go against the senseis all at once so that they  could get this over with.
      Once everyone woke up they sat on the grass by Tsunade while they watched the fight.
      Now these little genin and chunin believed that their senseis were about unbeatable in real life situations, including in a little spar.
      Since I'm about tired of typing this all down, we are gonna do this quick. So Kakashi used his sharingan too much while Kurenai got stuck in one of her own genjutsus by *dun dun dun* reverse psychology. Sorry, I just really wanted to put something weird there. Gui did try hard, but mission failed. Asuma did quite well and Naruto didn't want to hurt Sarutobi's son, so he just knocked him out.
       Tsunade was beyond ecstatic for this and hoped that he would try out for jounin exams next time around.
        Anyways, next time we will probably be doing some random things and so on in that next chapter that I'm not sure will happen.
       Hey, I'm just going with the flow.

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