Chapter Fourteen

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"Hey, who wants to go destroy Iwa with me? I heard it will be fun!!!" Isan yelled into the room that the shinobi were having a meeting in at the moment. All clan heads and heirs were there so that included the three shitheads and his Hime.
Everyone became silent as Hinata sweatdropped. 'The hell is he doing here? Isn't he supposed to be babysitting Yuki about now since Kura decided to go grocery shopping while he had time? Wait a minute...'
"WHERE IS YUKI!!!" Hinata yelled as she glared at Isan.
"Ummm, well you see," Isan said as he backed into the door that he just came through,"I asked her if she also wanted to blow up Iwa with me and she kinda agreed and then said she was going to buy some explosion tags and bombs to help and I was following her but I kinda... lost her?"
"What do you mean kinda?" Hinata asked as she pinched the bridge of her nose.
"I think she went to Iwa to do what I wanted since she likes to steal opportunities of disaster and destruction and likes to cause it herself instead of me and..." Isan by this point was just nervously fumbling with words as he stared at the ground.
'Kura should've known this was going to happen. Wait, Kura would've known so did he? No way," Hinata thought as she heard somebody crash through a window and land on the ground.
"WE ARE BACK," said Kura while holding Yuki in his arms as she was eating cotton candy.
"Iwa has the best cotton candy, second to the cloud. Man, it is horrible that they are all gone now," said Yuki as she finished the last of her cotton candy and started skipping towards Isan until she saw Hinata and squealed while she ran to Hinata and flew into her arms.
While Hinata was being hugged and squeezed at, Sasuke decided to get up from his seat and go over to the shocked Isan.
"I believe that your dream was just crushed by your own little sister. What are you going to do now?" Sasuke asked as he looked at the somewhat panicking Isan.
" I didn't think about it that far yet. maybe try to become allies with other villages and destroy the ones that decided to destroy Uzu-" Isan was suddenly punched on the head. "What was that for!?" yelled Isan as Kura was standing right beside him with a raised fist.
" That was for losing Yuki and giving her the idea to blow up Iwa by herself. Good thing is that she always asks me for permission. Anyways, we haven't been to Uzushiogakure in awhile. Wanna go see how things are going with the leftover Uzumaki's?"
"I totally forgot about the place! How could I!?" Isan yelled as he collapsed to the floor in tears. "I haven't been ther in over a year."
"You mean to tell me that Uzushiogakure was rebuilt by you?" asked Hinata as she was petting the head of the now tried Yuki that was breathing hard after chasing her tails.
The whole entire council watched as this whole ordeal happened and were shocked to hear that Iwa was and would never again be a threat to Konoha.
"Yeah I think I heard about it in some of his letters. He told me that I should visit when he finished rebuilding but I ended up forgetting about the invitation.. Maybe I can return with him back to Uzu and see how it is going there. Maybe consider moving my clan there and starting anew," the Uchiha rambled and started plotting out his plan.
"That should be fine. The only thing is that it would give me ten times the amount of paperwork I already have. Just starting Uzu up again was troublesome, but moving in new clans. Please, just spare me this torture and kill me now dear assassin stalker over in the corner that is going to die," Isan said as he full on collapsed on the floor, balling his eyes out.
"You're balling your eyes out as much as Yuki does when she doesn't get to strangle someone. Now that I am talking about Yuki strangling people, is she strangling that assassin over in the corner?" asked Kura as he watched Yuki strangle the person or give them a hug. You can't really tell the difference with Yuki.
"I think she is strangling him," a random person said that was in the room.
"Damnit snowball, what did I say about strangling people!" Kura yelled as he raced across the room to Yuki.
"Since so many people want to come along with me to see Uzu then why don't I just invite everyone the shibi council, yeah?" Isan asked sarcastically as everyone in the meeting that were shinobi shook their heads yes.
"Seems like everyone wants to come with us, Isan. What you going to do." Asked Sasuke as he glared over at the struggling assassin.
"YUKI LET GO OF HIM! HE IS DEAD ALREADY, YOU'RE JUST STRANGLING A CORPSE NOW!" yelled Kura who interrupted everyone's thought and drew their attention to the little girl.
"I thought Kura was teaching her how to not strangle people and to just kill them with weapons," said Isan as he watched Kura try to pull Yuki off the stranger
"Why does she like to strangle people anyway?" asked Shino who was just now coming out of the background.
"She says she likes to get close and personal and watch her victims eyes. She continues to strangle said person until his/her eyes have become lifeless. The only reason why it feels like she is strangling you when she is trying to hug you is because she strangles people often and sees hugging as a nicer form of strangling. She is truly a sadistic little sister," Isan whispered.
"ATTENTION! Everyone in the shinobi council pack your bags, we are going to Uzu!" Tsunade yells cheerfully.
Hello readers. Now we are coming to the conclusion of the story quickly. While I am writing this we are currently on the verge of reaching 1k reads. I don't want to make a completely different authors note and say yay 1k reads reached. So I'm just saying it now for future me to not worry about doing it.
YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!! We officially (not yet at the time I'm typing this) have reached 1k reads. Thanks a bunch!
Have a horrible day,
No peace✌️❌

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