Chapter Thirteen

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     Isan watched as the commander he once thought was noble ran with his tail tucked between his legs.
     Isan clapped and spun around as he said,"Well that was eventful. Now, all shinobi head back to the bunker where they need to tell the villagers that they are safe. I hope you didn't forget the answer to that riddle I hammered into your skulls not even one hour ago! You will be killed if not answered correctly. Now, get a move on! You can't stand there all day gawking at my awesomeness!" The last sentence he said caught a lot of shinobi off guard, and some even laughed at Isan's bluntness to the situation.
     The shinobi of the lead got to work on telling everyone they were safe when Hinata walked up to Isan.
     "What are you planning to do after all this?"Hina asked as Isan patted her head and pulled her towards a river in the forest of death.
     "I'm planning on maybe rebuilding Uzushiogakure and claiming my throne while gathering the Uzumaki's that aren't dead. There aren't many but there is still some left. I'm also planning on rounding up the clans that are related to the Uzumaki's and ask if they might want to live in Uzushiogakure. Of course, that is after I destroy Iwa and the other villages that caused the downfall of Uzushiogakure. They all will pay.
     "Oh Kami, I'm starting to sound like a self-centered Uchiha!" Isan exclaimed as he ran his hands over his eyes in frustration and watched as Hina began to giggle."And I'll be taking my Hime with me," Isan said as he leaned forward.
     As Isan got closer Hina suddenly grabbed him and flipped them both over into the water fall. Hina laughed as she watched Isan's surprised expression until she was suddenly pulled above water by Isan as he got them both out of the water.
     Right before they were about to leave in their soaked clothes, Isan gave her a quick kiss and pushed her back into the waterfall, waving his hand behind his back as he walked away.
     Hina decided to act like she wasn't coming up when he didn't see her resurface.
     Isan frantically looked around for his Hime until his collar was grabbed and he was pulled underwater.
     'Kami, why did I do this? Now I'm soaked and am probably going to be chased by my Hime until she gets her hands on me to torture me. I just hope she will be merciful,' Isan thought when he swam to the surface and tried to hurriedly get out but was suddenly pulled onto the ground.
     Everyone in Konohagakure heard the screams of Isan that day and prayed that they wouldn't be filleted like he was.
Sorry that this is a filler chapter, but I plan on the next couple chapters to be during a big event so...
Anyways, hope you enjoyed.
Stop reading
I don't care, you do you
Have a horrible day.
No peace✌❌

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