Chapter Eleven

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Isan just stared at Kura and said"So? It's not like I'm going back-"
"There is more. The banishment of Naruto Uzumaki was lifted because most of the shinobi nations were threatening a war since you were accused wrongly of the 'crime' and because they found out your true heritage. They are also getting ready to enter a war with Iwagakure, which would mean that if you did return that you would fight in another war. And since all the other shinobi nations are in or just finished a civil war, just like the one you were in when we picked up little snowball here," Kura finished as he rubbed Yuki's hair and sat down on the rug with them.
"If they would've known that I am Kamigami no Isan then they probably wouldn't have lifted the banishment since I fight in all wars for fun and more experience. So when shall this war commence?" asked Isan as he let Yuki tug on his hair lightly.
"When we were in Iwagakure that one time I was eavesdropping on some Anbu that were carelessly talking away while on patrol. They said that they couldn't wait to take on Konoha in half a year or something like that."
"We were in Iwa around four months ago. What about we lay low for a month or two and raise Yuki a bit before we head over for war. The funny thing about this is that I helped Iwa in another war with a small nation and now they are a bigger nation because of me. Man, I even liked some of the guys that were there. They weren't disgusting perverts like most of Konoha's men.
"So is that the plan-"Kura was suddenly cut off.
"-Stan?" Yuki said laughing as she watched their expressions. Isan was wondering what was wrong with the child while Auntie Kami was laughing with her.(A/N: If you haven't figured, I'm Auntie Kami)
"His name is Oniisan, not Stan. Anyways Yuki, we will be staying here for a month or two and then go to where Oniisan is from, understand?" Kura asked as Isan shook his head while chuckling about them calling him Oniisan. Oniisan, get it? I didni't notice it myself until now.
So while they were living peacefully while also training Yuki a bit in shinobi arts, Iwa was planning their attack to take over Konoha, and Konoha was praying that Naruto would come back home before the start of the war.
Yuki has now aged one year and is now six years old. Isan recently got back from another civil war in a small nation far far away from the shinobi nations and laid on the rug. He laid there for about ten minutes until he heard the front door open and hooves marching their way towards him.
"ONIISAN!!!" yelled the little snowball as she somewhat strangled and continued hugging him until he couldn't breath.
Kura entered the room and yelled,"Yuki, what did I tell you about strangling people! We have the same problem at the daycare in town, and I can't afford to pay for another funeral, even if I would agree with the choice of victim." Kura mumbled that last part as he put the groceries on the counter and detached Yuki from Isan.
"B-but," Yuki was about to burst into tears.
"Okay fine. Go ahead and strangle him, but your paying me back later for his funeral understand?" Yuki nodded her head towards Kura as she continued strangling Isan.
Isan decided to finally stand up and watched Yuki fall to the ground after he did a simple shunshin and stood beside Kura.
"Two months are up Isan. We have to go to Konoha, unless you want to side with Iwa, probably not since you are the son of the Yondaime Hokage. And I already made plans on where we are staying," Kura said as he started putting the food in the fridge or freezer and boxes since they were moving. Plus he got ice cream for Yuki and she cries every single time the ice cream melts.
"Where are we moving to Tou-san?" asked Yuki as she held her hands up for Isan to pick her up. At first he thought she wanted to be judo flipped but then remembered not to do that again. He thought she wanted a playful spar the first time so...
Anyways, Isan picked her up at face level for Kura while Yuki stared at Isan's hair and climbed onto his shoulders so she could damage his hair.
"We are moving to the Forest of Death by a beautiful waterfall. Some of my kin helped me pick the best spot to live, and Yuki can play around with some of the animals there, not all of them,"you could hear Yuki squeal into Isan's hair as she was excited to live in this 'Forest of Death'," And we are going to leave once you get packed. I want to leave in less than an hour, so hurry."
"Come on Yuki, let's go pack up!"yelled Isan as they walked to their own rooms and finished packing a minute or two before the hour was up.
"I already moved all my stuff and everything else to the new hut. Isan I would like it if you helped Yuki with her stuff and bring her with you along with your stuff. Are we all ready?" asked Kura as they all nodded and Isan grabbed Yuki and grabbed their stuff with his other hand since he could mold his chakra without hand signs and yelling it outloud.
Isan stood right outside the hut while setting Yuki down and telling her to go inside and pick her room. Isan decided to take his stuff inside and unpack. Once he was done with that he told Kura that he was going to go for a walk around Konoha to see if anyone recognized him. He was hoping that a certain someone would notice him.
He decided to take a stroll towards his old apartment and then head to Ichiraku's. After that, he'll just continue walking around.
Soon as he came across his apartment he noticed light weeping coming from around the corner. He quickened his pace slightly as he rounded the corner to see a body huddled against the wall of his old apartment.
"Why did we have to kick him out. We all knew he was innocent, yet he is gone and will never return. Poor Naruto-kun," Isan noticed the person's voice as he slowly walked towards her,"Go away Shika-" the girl started. She looked up as she said Shikamaru's name only to see Naruto standing there. Her eyes widened as she saw Naruto standing there. She couldn't help but to stand up and slowly make her way towards him.
"Is that you, Naruto-kun?" Hinata asked as she finally reached him. She slowly wrapped her arms around Naruto as he watched what she was doing. A minute later Isan decided to wrap her in his arms as she rested her head on his shoulder.
"It is me, Hinata-chan," Isan said as he started to explain about what has happened to him during his banishment.
"So your name is Isan now. If that is your name then it should stay your name. What are you doing here, Isan-kun?" asked Hinata as she held his hands.
"I'm here to fight in the oncoming war against Iwa. I was walking by my old apartment when I heard you sobbing and decided to help you. Want to join me on my walk and tell me all that has changed?" Hinata nodded her head as she started telling him about how nobody really changed when he left except for herself. She talked about how everyone thought that he was in fault and how Sasuke kept objecting to the villagers claims. Hinata also mentioned how everyone also thought of him as a betrayer except for Sasuke, Shino, Shikamaru, and herself including the Hokage. She talked about how Danzo was suddenly murdered in the middle of the night. Isan decided to mention that he was the one that killed Danzo since he kept sending ROOT-Anbu towards his location. Isan then started to ask Hinata of what she had done when he was gone. Ten minutes later they both decided to stop at Ichiraku's Ramen for lunch when suddenly they heard a war siren going off.
Hinata decided to drag Naruto with her towards the front of the Hokage tower. Once they both got the they saw the Hokage in full uniform talking with the Anbu, Jounin, and Chunin commanders. Both sides settled on an agreement that no Genin were to participate in the war.
Tsunade was looking over the crowd when her eyes stopped on a familiar face and she started to tear up. She quickly turned around and told an Anbu to escort Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze up to the balcony after she was done with her speech and pointed him out. When she was done with her speech she heard an army marching their way to the front gates as Isan disappeared in a blue flash.
Before any of them could register who that blue flash was they heard screaming coming from the battlefield.
Once they reached the gates they saw the Iwa shinobi running in the opposite direction as bodies were littered everywhere.
"Move your asses. It's Kamigami no Isa-" the man's head suddenly went flying in the air as his body crumbled to the ground.
Everyone in Konoha were watching closely as corpses sprawled out along the now red grass.
Suddenly there was silence as everybody saw a person standing in the middle of the battle field with a katana in hand.
"Oniisan!" Yelled a little girl that was covered in blood in her favorite ninja outfit,"did you see me! I killed some of the bad guys with Tou-san!" As soon as she said Tou-san they saw a man suddenly appear behind her holding a head.
"Isan, do you see this guys head? It is like his head is a mirror. I can see myself perfectly. Can you snowball?" the man asked as he handed her the man's head.
"I see what you mean Tou-san. Hey Oniisan, who are those people? Are they also the enemy?" asked Yuki as she pointed at them.
"No, they are... old friends. Hina-chan, come here!"
As soon as Hinata heard her name she ran towards Isan and glopped the little girl in a hug and held the girl as she stood up.
"You must be Hinata. Oniisan is always telling me about you!" Yuki yelled as she rubbed her face against Hinata's as Hinata recalled Isan telling her about how Yuki greets people.
Sasuke walked forward as he finally recognized the man and thought,'So Naruto likes to be called Isan now. Understandable.'
"It has been awhile, Isan. It is nice to meet you, Yuki. I have heard a lot about you in your oniisan's letters to me," Sasuke continued," Your oniisan probably has mentioned me as Uncle Sas-" Yuki suddenly jumped from Hina to Sasuke .
"Uncle Sasu!" Yuki yelled as she made Sasuke stumble back slightly.
Sasuke smiled a little as he spun Yuki around in the air for fun. Yuki kept squealing and hollering.

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