Chapter Three

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Soon enough, it was morning once again. Naruto was till awake and was just now cleaning the dried blood off his left arm as he watched a bunny hop around in the corner of his eye.
Then the bunny was suddenly pierced in the head with a kunai that seemed to come out of nowhere. Naruto slowly walked to the bunny and carried it in his arms, not a bit concerned of the blood that would be on his clothes when the others woke up.
Kakashi awoke to a nice smelling aroma that came from outside the tent as he purposely stepped on Gai's bag. He watched silently as Naruto was separating the food into different sections, one for each person. Naruto also decided to gather some herbs from the forest that surrounded them and put in some spices with the rabbit and made some tea.
Rookie 12 decided to wake up right when the food was ready and the senseis were sitting by Naruto. What nobody noticed was that Naruto didn't get any food. Naruto was pretty much used to it and still stuffed from the little bit of food he had last night.
"Naruto-kun, have you eaten anything yet?" asked Hinata as she tried her best not to stutter. It seemed as if Neji has been teaching her to not stutter as much as she used to.
The senseis paused their eating to listen and soon enough everyone's eyes were on Naruto, waiting for an answer.
"Ummmm, I am still stuffed from last night's dinner. I ate a lot of...stuff that we ate..." Naruto says as he stares at the ground, waiting for some kind of reaction that he didn't want.
"Naruto, that's not good for you. You need to eat!" yelled Sakura and Ino as they advanced on him, trying to feed him some of the food they had. What they didn't notice was that Naruto was already up in the tree he hoped into the day before.
And as you can imagine, they were shocked by the speed the blonde haired ninja showed. Some high class jonin couldn't even reach that level of speed.
"I said I am not hungry. What do you not comprehend?" Naruto asked emotionlessly as he just stared at Sakura and Ino.
"Really Naruto, just eat," Kakashi demanded. Naruto just stared at him until he mumbled something under his breath."What did you say, Naruto?" Kakashi asks.
"Then I might throw up. I am not used to eating so much, even if it looks like it. My jumpsuit is just bagy," Naruto mumbles again, but Kakashi was the only one that catches what Naruto says, but just ignores it as he pins Naruto to the ground and force feeds him, making sure he was still able to breath properly.
Naruto suddenly jumped up as his stomach started trembling and he felt an unnaturally wet taste in his mouth that signalled he was going to through up. He ran close to the river and emptied all the contents that were left in his stomach, which was only 10 bites.
When everyone followed him to the river they saw him unzip his jumpsuit a bit so that he could get out of the ugly jumpsuit that was somehow suffocating him, even though it was two times to big for his size.
Once they saw his body lurch forward he moved his arms to relax by his side, but then they saw his right arm completely covered in marks that shows that his arm was on fire at some point. Good thing for him is that they couldn't really see his left arm.
He could feel their prying eyes as he looked backwards and stared at them until he went back to the camp after zipping up his jumpsuit.
*Time Skip*
They were finally on the road again when Kurama decided to tell Naruto,'You know that you have been acting emotionless this whole time. If you're going to get through this, smile!'
Kurenai looked back at Naruto who suddenly had a eye-splintering smile on his face. Kurenai wanted to tell the others about it, but Naruto would hear her suspecting something and she didn't want to take that chance. She decided to tell the other senseis and their genin later when they had lunch. Surely Naruto would be somewhere else since he probably doesn't want to be force feed again.
Kakashi noticed Kurenai looking at Naruto. She then turned her head towards Kakashi and gave him a look he knew from doing multiple missions with Kurenai. Kakashi silently nodded in her direction as she gave Asuma the same stare. It was near lunchtime anyways, so they could probably stop in about a mile and eat. They still had to keep in mind the mission they have.
But, before Kakashi knew it, he was pinned against a tree. He looked over to his left to see Kurenai and Asuma pinned down by some of Orochimaru's lackies.
Naruto watched as one of Orochimaru's lackies came towards Sasuke and was about to attack him when he slammed right into the man and made him fall over. Naruto stabbed him right by the heart and saw his sensei and the others were trapped down helplessly as they tried to get out of the men's iron grip. Naruto and Sasuke were the only ones that weren't trapped down.
Before Kakashi could blink he was covered in blood as the man holding him fell limp to the ground. He looked all around and scurried up to make sure his cute little genin were all fine. Sakura just passed out after pissing herself and Sasuke was staring at Naruto, who was kneeling on the ground checking all the passed out genin's pulse. He finished on checking and smiled again.
"Did you see me! I took them all out with one fatal swoop!" Naruto yelled on top of his lungs, trying to act as if his mask wasn't almost demolished.
Out of nowhere there was a sudden kunai that hit Naruto's arm. What everyone there noticed was that Naruto didn't flinch and proceeded to grab a bandage from his pocket and pull the kunai out. He didn't worry about people seeing his scars that he cut into his skin the night before since it was already bandaged up after that little incident this morning. He also didn't care if the senseis saw the burnt flesh on his arm, so he took his jumpsuit off. Don't worry, he had shorts on underneath the orange jumpsuit and a shirt.
The senseis watched in wonder as Naruto slowly took off his jumpsuit and threw the kunai at a random tree. It turned out that a person was in the tree and fell off it with a kunai through the neck.
Kurenai went up to Naruto to tend to his wound put he put up a single finger saying that he was alright. They watched as he slowly bandaged up the top part of his right arm and pulled the jumpsuit back on himself.
Sasuke was about ready to throw up once he saw Naruto's slightly mangled up arm be bandaged up by the dobe and looked away as Naruto [ut his jumpsuit back on.
About 10 minutes later all the other genin started waking up and stared at their senseis, silently asking what happened.
The only person to scream it out was Sakura as she screamed,"WHAT HAPPENED!"
Kakashi sweat-dropped as Ino said,"Sasuke probably saved us all! He was awake before all of us and I am pretty sure that the sun hadn't moved a bit.
"Actually, Naruto saved us all," Asuma said as the genin stared at Naruto who was sitting on a branch that would've broken underneath any normal person.
"I am hungry. When can we stop for lunch?" asked Choji as his stomach growled. Everyone else agreed with Choji and watched as everyone pitched in to gathering fish and berries.
"I am going to go to the river that I found. SEE YA!" Naruto yelled as he darted off to his destination. They guessed that he probably wasn't eating so the senseis figured out that this was the perfect time to have a little meeting.
"OK genin! I am pretty sure that we have all noticed Naruto's weird behaviour. Let's list all the facts we have right now that we know of. Shikamaru, since you will probably remember everything, explain," Asuma said as he informed Shikamaru.
"What I have gathered so far is that Naruto has insomnia, can't eat much food since his stomach's capacity is too small. I have also gathered that it seems like he has no emotions for the past few days and is always in the back of the group. Naruto was also able to kill a group of S-ranked shinobi's in the Bingo Book that not even our senseis were able to deal with," as Shikamaru continued on they all suddenly turned their to the shadows as they thought they heard something.
"So my assumption is that Naruto has a horrible past in general and also hid his true skills from everyone. He also seems to have no emotions which must associate with how he had a bad past," Shikamaru summed up before Naruto jumped down from a tree.
"Well then, I guess you found out. Only problem is that you forgot about by mangled arm and how I have scars all over my body. Remember how your parents always told you,'Stay away from that child! He is nothing but a demon. Think, what was the only thing that would be rational in this situation. I am like Gaara. You remember him from the Chunin exams?" Naruto asked as they watched in horror when they saw Naruto without his jumpsuit on.
"No, that can't be possible..." Shikamaru says as he shakes his head over and over again, trying to get the idea out of his head.
"What is it Shikamaru?" asked Choji as he looked at all the forgotten food on the ground.
"Naruto is the jinchuuriki of the Nine Tails," Shikamaru says as everyone watches Naruto's reaction.
"Ding ding ding, we have ourselves a winner!" Naruto says emotionlessly.
Naruto suddenly let his genjutsu fall that covered more of his severe scars, including the blind eye he had. He kept one genjutsu up that hid that his eyes were rinnegans.
Naruto shoved his bangs out of his face as he let them see the dead blue eye that had multiple slashes in it as everyone gasped.
"I have been blind in my left eye ever since last year and had a mangled arm since then too. I have already trained myself so that if I go blind in my right eye soon I will be able to still be a ninja," Naruto said.
Naruto watched as the others faces turned dark when they saw the bandage on his left arm slip off.

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