F o u r

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>Swagger's POV<

I went downstairs to get some fresh air for a while, I noticed Matt and Jay were on the couch playing some video games. They seemed to notice me.

"Hey Swags, you finally get out of that room" Jay said making Matt laugh, I sighed as I sat down on the couch as well.

"You know you've been distant since yesterday, you sure you're alright?" Matt asked me.

"Just editing, nothing new" I made up an excuse as I rubbed my eyes, looking at the game they were playing. It was Mario Kart and Bowser was winning.

"You already uploaded this week though, thought you only upload once a week" Matt told me, not taking his eyes off the screen.

"Worry about your dying channel, Matt" Jay laughed at what I said while Matt tried not to smile.

"Yeah fuck you too" I chuckled as I kept watching the game until someone knocked the door, I went to go check who it was only to see it was Fitz. I opened the door and let him in.

"Hey Swagger! How ya doing?" Fitz asked as I closed the door again.

"Been good, what brought you here?" I asked him as we both sat down on the couch.

"Just wanted to see my friends" I nodded as he talked about some stuff, I didn't pay attention though. My mind drifted off to Y/N, I had so much fun talking to her last night. Right now she was probably asleep since it's late for her.

"Swagger!" I shook my head and blinked, looking at my confused friends.

"What? What happened?"

"Dude you've been spacing out a lot, what's going through your mind?" Fitz asked me.

"Nothing just thinking about personal stuff" They looked at each other then back at me.

"You ok? We're here for you if you wanna talk" Fitz reassured me, worry in his eyes.

"Oh no no, it's nothing bad. It's actually something good" I informed them.

"Is it a girl?" I tensed up at Jay's question.

"You guys shouldn't worry about it"

"Ah come on tell us! What's her name?" Matt asked me, I bit the inside of my cheek, the hell do I say?

"Uh... ugh fine her name is Y/N" I gave in since their stares were creeping me out.

"How'd you meet her?" Fitz asked me.

"I watched some of her videos and got in contact with her, she's very funny and just fun to be around with but.." I sighed as I looked down.

"She lives in Oklahoma and I really like her but she lives so far and our time zones are so different. Right now she's asleep and when she wakes up it'll be like 11 pm over here.. I just wish I could see her" They all were silent until Fitz spoke up.

"Long distance does suck, have you ever tried it?"

"Long distance relationship? Hell no, that shit sucks. I'm the type of person who wants to hug and all that shit with the person I'm with, I just can't do long distance but with her.. I wanna try it but I don't even know if she likes me"

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