T h i r t e e n

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The guys parted ways so I was alone, where the hell was Swagger at? I groaned, going to look for him. How could I have been so stupid to lose him already? I looked around for someone with short brown hair, though most of the guys here had the same hair style so it wasn't going to be easy.

After a while I found him almost giving 500, I quickly stopped him before he could do that. He looked up with a frown.

"I was going to go all in, princess" I shook my head, taking the money away.

"Cameron said I could go up to $600!" He started throwing a tantrum like a little kid.

"I love you but this isn't healthy for you" He crossed his arms.

"Alright, you do it then" I looked at the table, seeing the ball landing on a 10. Do I gamble? I looked at the money then at Eric, guess I should try it even though I don't know how to gamble for shit. Eric told me what to do and I did it, I bet on an 8 since it was considered a lucky number.

The ball spinned around and it hit the 8. I squealed in happiness, looking at Swagger to see he was shocked.

"What the hell? I've been doing this for 20 minutes, lost most of my money. You did this for 2 minutes and suddenly win a lot" I giggled as he shook his head, trying to process what just happened.

"Sorry babe, I love you" I sent him a kiss which he just smiled at.

We spent the night trying to win money which we succeeded and sometimes failed. At around 10 pm we all decided to go back home since we were tired, they dropped me off at the hotel.

"Have a goodnight rest, princess! I loOoOooove you!!" Swagger yelled out, obviously very drunk. All of the guys laughed and oooh'ed making me smile.

I entered the hotel room seeing Pete on his laptop, possibly editing.

"Hey, Pete. What are you doing?" I sat next to him, resting my head on his shoulder.

"Just finished editing your video and mine, you're welcome by the way" I giggled, giving him a side hug.

"Today was the best day ever" I muttered, slowly falling asleep.

"What happened?" He asked.

"Well we went to this restaurant which the guys enjoyed and after that I asked Swagger our then we went to the casino, I won some money yet lost some but that's ok" I explained to him.

"Finally you two are dating, took you like 3 days" I nodded, closing my eyes and finally sleeping.


I woke up the next morning with my stomach grumbling and hurting like crazy, I groaned as I held it. What the hell is happening? I suddenly felt the urge to vomit, I ran to the bathroom and puked in the toilet.

"Y/N? You alright in there?" Pete knocked on the door, then opened it. He sighed as he put my hair up in a ponytail. I finished puking, flushing the toilet and going to the sink to wash my mouth.

"Are you ok? What was that all about?" He asked me, I shrugged my shoulders, still feeling sick to my stomach.

"I don't know I just woke up like this, it fucking hurts" I groaned as I held my stomach, Pete held me close, rubbing my back.

"Come on, let's put you in the bed" We walked back to the bed, he gave me a water which I drank but that only made it worse. I gave him the water bottle as I held my stomach.

"What the hell did you guys eat last night?" We only ate raw food.

"I don't know some type of raw food, I can't believe I fucking agreed to eat that shit. I knew it was going to taste horrible" The pain in my stomach was still there and it was not gonna go away anytime soon.

Pete kept watch over me as I kept groaning in pain, he would let me go to the bathroom when I needed to puke or use the toilet. After an hour he decided he had enough.

"Alright, we have to go to the MisFits house. Find out what the fuck you ordered then to the hospital" He decided to carefully carry me since it hurt for me to even move at all. We ordered a taxi to the MisFits manor.

We finally made it, I knocked while I held my stomach tightly. The door opened, Toby came into view. He seemed to be alright, how the hell is he alright?

"Woah Y/N, are you ok? You look like shit" Toby asked, concerned. He let us in and I saw Matt and Jay on the couch, looking alright as well.

"This stomach ache is going to fucking kill me!!!" I groaned, they looked at me concerned.

"Alright, what the fuck did you guys order that made my best friend puke and have diarrhea every 30 minutes?" Pete asked, hands on his hips.

"We ordered some raw chicken, I forgot what kind but it affected all of us. Swagger and Fitz have been nonstop puking and have diarrhea as well" Jay said.

"Where are they at now?" Pete asked.

"Swagger is in his room getting ready to go to the hospital as well as Fitz, Y/N can go as well. Our manager Ryan is taking them" Pete nodded.

"Yeah, I was about to take her but I trust him to take care of her" Pete said.

"Ryan is the best dude ever, don't worry about it"

"Alright I'm ready to go" I looked up to see Swagger struggling to go down the steps, he looked at me and frowned.

"It got you too?" I nodded, he hugged me or tried to.

"Swagger I'm trusting you to take care of Y/N, please?" Swagger looked up at Pete and nodded, taking my hand and guiding us outside to a car. He opened the door and I got in, I saw Fitz at the front with Ryan.

"Ryan this is Y/N, my girlfriend" Swagger said, groaning. I noticed he had a bucket in his hands as he got in the car, how the hell did I just notice that?

"Hey Y/N, you got sick as well huh?" I nodded, the pain got so much worse that I started crying, the guys seemed to notice.

"Hey, I know this pain hurts like hell but I promise you it'll be over soon" Ryan tried helping me which of course didn't for shit but I didn't say anything.

I just hope this pain goes away.


Sorry it took me like 2 days to update, was a bit busy with school.

Like and comment! I'll see you all in the next one my fellow cookies 🍪

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