Chapter 1: I'm Right Here for You

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Marnette's POV. 

It was lunch brake and I decided to tell him my feelings. "Adrien I have to tell you something." I said as confident as I could. Adrien turned around and looked at me. I pulled him out to the corner of the stairs outside. "What is it Marnette?" Adrien ask confused. "I-I I'm in lo-  I really like you like, like like you." I said looking down with a smile. I look up for a split second and start to cry. "Marnette I'm sor-" "No it's alright I get it." I said and the tears just came. He stepped forward towards me, but I stepped back.

"I'm so sor-" "No I understand I'm not good enough for you- it's okay I understand." I say as tears are streaming down my face. I ran away to my house and up to my room.  

I fall onto my bed and soon Chat knocked on the trapdoor and I hardly look up, when I do I unlock the door and see the look in his eyes, he's not in a good mood.

He opened the door understanding I didn't have the heart to do it. "Mari, are you alright?" Chat asked still with the sad look in his eyes, but they had worry as well. I stopped crying enough to say, "No I'm not I fell in love with this sweet, loving, hard working, caring, and honorable person I know and that is why I fell in love with him." Right after, I started crying again.

Chat...I couldn't look at him. I soon went wide eyed as I felt his strong, supporting arms around me and I just fell away. I couldn't stop crying. "It-it just hurts so much." I said through the tears. He just held me tighter. "You should go to school even though it hurts, okay?" Chat said still holding me. "Alright...", I said with a small smile, "I trust you Chat." 

I ran back to school just in time to get to class right as the bell rang. "Adrien. Adrien? Nino where is Adrien?" Miss Buster asked. "Oh he told me he wasn't feeling well after lunch, he said that he was going home for today." I felt more hot tears come.

When the principle came to Miss Buster to talk, Chloe came up to me "I saw you with Adrien before lunch was over you must have gotten my Adriekins sick." She was so mad. "I didn't do anything to him." I said then I thought he did something to me. Liar was the one word Chloe called me and right as Ms.Buster walked in, Chloe slapped me. It didn't hurt as bad as what Adrien had done but it stung.

"Chloe that was uncalled for and she had done nothing to you." Ms.Buster said in such an angry voice. "Ms.Buster I'm going to take Marnette home, if that's alright with you?" Alya said. Ms.Buster smiled and nodded for us to go and told Alya to come back right after. 

Alya took me home, "Girl, you are going to take a week alright I don't want to see you at school for a week, okay?"I nodded and she left right after. I sat there crying for a while then I fell asleep for an hour. I stopped crying and walk out onto my balcony and looked over Paris. I thought maybe if I..."Chat!" I called out. When I didn't see him I turned and a tear ran again and I started to walk away. "Hi, Mari." He saw the tear and I continued walking. He grabbed my arms and turned me around, "What's wrong?" He asked worried, "Why are you here when you should be at school." I looked at him, I opened my mouth but nothing came out so I closed it. "What happened?" He continued. 

I couldn't take anymore I embraced him and sobbed on his chest. He didn't let me go till I stopped long enough to tell him "Chloe thought I got the guy sick, called me a liar, and slapped me." Chat's eyes filled with rage. "Chat please don't do anything stupid. Just stay with me, please?" I asked but I didn't hide the hurt in my voice and Chat's eyes went back to sadness. 

I told him everything and all I did was sob. He held me the whole time.

I fell asleep but was able to make out five words from Chat "I'm right here for you."


This is the first story I've tried so I hope you liked it. KEEP CALM and READ ON

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