Chapter 11: Three New Friends

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Marnette's POV.

On An Airplane

"Adrien aren't you excited we are finally in the U.S.? This is so amazing." I looked out the window and smiled in awe. "Yeah, it's amazing. But you're even more amazing." He kissed my cheek and embraced me.

Over the airline P.A. "We are about to land in New York." I smiled at Adrien and we landed a few minutes later. I bummed into someone "Sorry." We said at the same time and laughed a little.

"You good?" They asked me as Adrien walked over and helped me up. "Yes. You?" I asked them as a man came up to us and helped her up. He held her the same way Adrien held me all the time. 

"Oh, how rude of me, I'm Elizabeth White and this is my boyfriend Mason Grey." She was really sweet and had an even sweeter voice. "Hi, I'm Marnette Dupan-Cheng and this is my boyfriend Adrien Agreste."

"Hey, Liz are you okay?" This girl came up to Elizabeth and stood in front of her. "Yeah, I'm fine. Oh, Marnette, Adrien, meet my best friend and cousin April." Elizabeth looked at me and I looked at her and April.

"Hi, Marnette. Where are you and Adrien from? OH OH OH I know Paris. You..." She points to Adrien "you are the boy that Mrs.B always talks about. Remember Liz, Adrien Agreste?" She looked at Elizabeth. 

"Oh yeah, he's the one that she says is to good for her daughter but perfect for....." She looks at me wide eyed. "You your Marnette the one that designed that hat for the fashion show in Paris three or four years ago. Mrs.B always talked about how she was sure that you would come here for collage to follow in her foot steps." 

Elizabeth looked at me very impressed but at the same time not. "What? Eliza-" She coughed and stepped forward towards me "Call me Liz and no wonder she chose you, you have impeccable teat in clothes. Quick question, did you make this New York style dress?" 

I looked at her and said "Y-yes I made it." She looked at me then went to the hem of the dress. "How old are you? Wait, your signature it's slightly different. You must be eighteen your signature from the hat is young and fresh starting, this is about the same but neater then the other and the thread is brighter."

I was so shocked. I looked at Adrien and he was as wide eyed as I was. "How did you..." I couldn't finish my sentence I was too in awe. "Mrs.B has taught me much. We were always studying your hat and let me tell you that was brilliant, but fake feathers?"

I looked at Adrien. "Adrien is allergic to real feathers. I was just making sure this handsome man didn't sneeze all the way down the cat walk." I said trying hard not to laugh at the thought of Adrien sneezing down the cat walk and it didn't work. 

I burst out laughing and so was Liz, April, and Mason. Adrien laughed a bit too, but stopped when he saw a man walking towards us. 

"Oh hello, Michael. We were just talking to Miss Marnette and Mister Adrien, as we were told to do." 

She looked away from the man and to us and her face fell, Mason stepped up to her and held her again. She turned away and kissed him. 

"We should be going. Marnette, Mrs.B is waiting and Adrien we have to tell her that you were coming." He looked at me then at Liz. "Did she not know?" 

She looked at him "Well, Marnette put you in her letter but all Mrs.B read was that Marnette was coming to New York to work with her." He looked happier hearing that he was put in my letter.

"Well we're here. I'll go tell Mrs.B." Liz walked away and came back about five minutes later. "Well, she's ready. You guys ready? You ready, Mason? April?" Mason stepped next to Liz and kissed her forehead. "Yeah I'm good, Lizzy." They looked at April. "As ready as I'll ever be. I'll be glad when we are done here." 

April sounded scared and then she looked at me wide eyed. "Please don't tell her I went all.....what she calls 'going all April on you'....please? She scares me and if she found out that I did she will kick me out of the school."

"Does she really frighten you that much, that you can't be yourself around her?" I looked at Liz then Mason then April. They all had the same face. 

Pure terror in their eyes and on their face. Mason pulled Liz closer to him and it looked like it made him and her feel better knowing that they had each other. 

Wow she must be awful I wish she would be kinder to her workers or accidents. They are my new friends and she can't treat them like this not on my watch. 


This has gotten to fun not to write any more. Man intense. 

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