Chapter 8: What If

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Adrien's POV.

"Mari are you mad?" I was kind of scared what she might say or do. "Um..I, um.." She didn't get a word in when she fell to the floor, crying. "Mari, I'm so sor-" I didn't even finish the sentence when she interrupted me. "You-you- Were you just playing with my feelings? Making me fall for you, when you're just the handsome, sweet, loving, caring guy that took my heart and shattered it."

She stood up and "Tikki, spots on." She turned into Ladybug "I'm done here. Alya, Nino, give your miraculous' to Master Fu when you go home. Oh and good night...." I knew she wouldn't be so mad as to not tell me "Plagg." Now that hurt she told everyone good night but me even the other kwamis were saying good night to her and she had told them the same.

Back At Adrien's

"Plagg, I messed up big time." I was expecting something like 'Yeah but you can always eat cheese.' or 'Well cheese doesn't do that to you.' or even 'Well their are always other girls.' but he said "Yeah, you did Kid, big time. I did the same once with Tikki, Ladybug's kwami, here's the story."

When Tikki and I was young, we had only had two or three Chats and Ladybugs. This Chat was in love with her and I was in love with Tikki but back then I didn't want to mess up, so I never did all the things I do now. He sighed. 

One day Ladybug was in trouble but not with the things we protect from, so I never told Chat that the girl he loved was in trouble. Back then you could marry at any age they were sixteen when they married and she was pregnant by eighteen and that was the trouble. Ladybug was having the baby at nineteen and had problems. 

Chat was away on the other side of the city and about to transform to fight. Before that Tikki found us and told me that Ladybug was going to have her baby and that Chat had to get there in time. Chat fought and won, but got there to late the baby was born but.....born dead and he had gotten there just in time to say 'I love you', hear it back and watch her die. 

"Chat and Tikki never forgave me and to be honest I never forgave myself either." Plagg flouted down, flew over to his cheese, sat down, turned his head and crawled into the pile of cheese that was behind him. "Plagg that was not your fault. How were you to know that that Ladybug from like thirty-thousand years ago was going to die?" 

"Well,..I..I found out that most women at that time die with child and commonly does the child die as well, because the child doesn't have enough strength to fight for its life. I told them that it was more likely that Ladybug would die from child birth and child as well." He sighed and I looked at him.

He continued. "They didn't know my powers very well but Tikki thought that my power was not only to destroy but to fix, like heal, as well. When I didn't she was angry and so was Chat. Chat never transformed again, never fell in love again, never remarried, and died alone." 

"I was so in love with Tikki and was so worried for the people of the land that I put Tikki and the love that Chat felt behind me." He was almost in tears. "I've never seen this side of you." I couldn't help but laugh "I thought your only ever love was cheese." 

"Wow that hurts." Plagg looked at me and I saw the pain. "Is that what you really think of me, Adrien? That all I'll ever love is cheese. I loved Tikki and you and every Chat that there ever was! I loved her and she loved me but I messed it all up!"

Natalie walked in "Adrien who are you talking to?" I couldn't tell her anything she wouldn't understand. "Just myself, I messed up with a girl I like and now I think she hates me." Natalie had the same look as always, straight and serious. "Oh, well I just came to check. You were yelling very loudly." I smiled apologetically and she walked out. 

"Wow, Plagg. But I'm sure..." He looked sharp at me "Just like you're sure that Marnette will forgive you, after she thinks you played with her feelings?" He had a hard stare and I never thought that maybe just maybe Mari would be so hurt that she never forgave me. What if....


New episode came out today, season 3 episode 5. 2-14-19. Happy Valentines Day my fellow Marichat peeps.

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