Chapter 5: I Know Your Secret

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Adrien's POV. 

"PLAGG! Why didn't you tell me my princess is Ladybug!" I was so angry at him, he never told me.

"Adrien I wasn't aloud to tell you this for several reasons and the main one is that there is a spell that keeps us from saying our owner's name to another kwami or the secret Identity of another hero." Plagg rambled. 

"Wait so I was in love with Mari the whole darn time. Then I hurt her because I didn't know about her identity." I felt absolutely awful I hurt my lady and my princess at the same time and didn't know it.  

"Mari, hello. Mari?" I saw her come to the door and open it. "Hi, Chat I'm so happy you came." She said pulling me inside her room. 

"So, why are you here, not that I don't want you here, it's just I haven't seen you since the last akuma and yes I kept tract." She amazes me sometimes. "Well, um.., I wanted to tell you who I am under the mask." She was angry and defensive "No you will not! I want to know I really do but you can't and it's not about protecting me it's about protecting you." 

She is so cute when she's like this. I can protect us both Ladybug. "Alright, I understand.....Bugaboo." I sighed for affect and smiled. 

Marnette's POV.

"Bugaboo?!" I was so shocked, Why did he call me that? "Chat, why did you call me that?" "Because I know who you are, Ladybug." I couldn't help but cry "Hey, hey I thought, I thought you wanted to know mine and your identity." 

"I did but not like this." He stepped forward but I turned around but he rapped his arms around me and I cried harder. "I'm sorry, Mari. I thought you would be happy that you don't have to keep your secret." He turned me around and I just sobbed into his chest.

"I love you, Princess." He said pulling me into a beautiful kiss and we stayed like that for a minute, then pulled away. We stared at each other for a minute or two then did it again, then he kissed my cheek.

"I love you too, my handsome Chat." I couldn't help but kiss him again.

"Good night my princess." "Good night my prince charming." He didn't tell me who he was but that makes things easier.


Later That Night (Plagg came to talk to Tikki and Mari)

"So, you're Chat's kwami and all you eat is Camembert? Well, that explains why he is handsome but stinks." Plagg laughed then ate some more Camembert. "So, why are you here?" Tikki said and it was a good question. 

"Well, Chat hurt someone in his civilian form and found out they liked him and things just got out of hand. He rejected their lets say friendship, all because he was in love with Ladybug.... I said to much." Plagg covered his mouth but I was already angry "He was in love with Ladybug?" At this point I was hurt "He, he didn't love me he loved Ladybug."

I started to cry and Tikki and Plagg were hugging me but mostly Tikki, Plagg's not a hugger.

Plagg and Tikki were talking about something but I couldn't exactly tell what, all I heard was "...make Mari feel better." 

Adrien's POV.

The Next Day

"Mari, Mari are you here?" I got a little worried when she didn't come, but her kwami opened the door and I went in to her crying. "Princess, why are you crying?" I was so confused.

"I thought I was your lady, Chat." She sounded cold and hurt "Princess.." It hurt to see her like this "I'm not your princess!" She was so hurt, she was crying again.

"Plagg told me everything. You hurt someone because you were in love with...." She hesitated. "With you." I tried to reassure her. "No, not with me, with....Ladybug." She kept crying. "But Ladybug is you." I tried but she didn't believe me. "Ladybug isn't me she's in Tikki and without her I'm and that won't help anyone."

"That's why you were crying because I was in love with Ladybug." But I love you, Mari. It hurts to know that I hurt the one I love. 

"Why else would I be crying, because of these stupid nightmares I've had since Sandboy..." She stopped and I couldn't hold it, I couldn't take it, she was hurt again, because of me again. I held her tight and I wasn't going to let her go, I kissed her as passionate as I could and she stopped crying and melted into my arms and fell asleep.

"Mari, I'm so sorry for hurting you." I whispered. I kissed her forehead and then kissed her lips lightly. I sighed, "Good night princess. I love you." I sighed again, I couldn't take the hurt. 


What the heck. I can't control it it just comes through my hands but I like it.

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