Chapter 10: To The U.S.

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Marnette's POV. 

Now Eighteen

"Marnette, you should have told him three years ago." Tikki was right I should have told him a long time ago. As he said three years ago that he would never stop loving me. 

"You're right Tikki I should have told him a long time ago." I walk into class and I see Chloe trying to kiss Adrien and he's again pushing her way. I laugh a little and walk over to him. "Hi, Adrien." He looks up at me smiling and jumps out of his set. 

"Are you still mad at me, but before that I love you, Mari." I giggle again and his smile brightens. "I know you love me, my sweet Kitty." He looked like he wanted to pick me up spin me around the room at my words.

" just...your sweet kitty?" He looked like he was ready to kiss me after three years. "Yes, my kitty and no one else's." He smiled and came to my ear. 

"Can I kiss you?" I was surprised he had to ask but that was the gentleman in him and I loved that about him. 

I smiled up at him, nodded that he could and it wasn't even a second after that he pulled me close and kissed me for what beautifully felt like the make up for the past three years. "Princess, I.." I couldn't let him finish before I told him first. 

"I know you love me but I have a secret to tell you." He brightened and I whispered to him "I love you too." He smiled again and kissed me again. Everyone was yelling and whistling and some of them were crying because we finally 'got together'. Chloe was not happy. She grabbed my arms and pulled me from Adrien "What are you doing with my boyfriend?" She was such a liar. 

I tried pulling away and normally I could but this time..this time she gripped tighter and I start to feel pain. Everyone told her to let me go but she didn't she held tighter and tighter until she saw she was getting to me. She smiled and made her grip the tightest she could. How could I tell, her knuckles turned. I yelped in pain and Adrien tried to pry her off of me.She let go with one hand, pushed him away, re-gripped my arm and her knuckles turned white again.

I fell in pain even though it wouldn't and Adrien ran to me and tried to help me up. When he couldn't, he sat there holding me and trying to pry her hands off me, finally Kim came over and grabbed Chloe by the wrists and pulled her away. 

Adrien helped me up and he held me for a long while. He looked down at my arms and where Chloe's hands were there were red marks. "Are you okay?" He asked in a whisper at my ear. I nodded, that's all I could do without tearing up about the pain, nod. 

"Thanks, Kim." I was sorry that he had to do that and I couldn't do it myself. "It's no problem, Marnette, we hate the way Chloe acts. This is killing two birds with one stone." He seemed unmoved that he had to do that.

"What do you mean 'killing two birds with one stone'." He looked at me and looked down. "One, getting rid of Chloe, after this she will surly get expelled from school. Two, getting you and Adrien together." He smiled and I thanked him again.

Adrien took my hand and I winced. "Sorry." He let go of my hand and looked down from my eyes. Instead of taking my hand again to take me to the nurse about the marks he took my waist and practically carried me there. 

He took me to the nurse's office and bandaged my arms and hands. He kissed my hands and then kissed me. He he took my waist again and we went to class. "Girl, we were right Chloe was expelled because of what she did to you." She smiled at me and looked at Adrien. "So you finally forgave him?" She looked at me.

"Really I forgave him a long time ago but I wanted to see if what he told me was true. And it was." He looked at me and smiled as bright as the sun, just like his hair. "I told you I did, Mari." He was still smiling.

"Well class, the end of the year and the end of the times here." Ms.Buster shed a tear "I'll miss you all. For the next week or so of the rest of the year you will come in here and after the bell you can talk and what ever." Ms.Buster is the best teacher.

The Next Day

I found Adrien right as I got into school and tried to tell him that I wasn't going to be in Paris for collage. He ended up being pulled away by Nino and then I remembered Ms.Buster said that we had the class to ourselves.

"Hey, Mari." He came in and sat where he always did, but when Alya came in he asked if he could sit next to me. "Sure, Adrien, I have to talk to Nino anyway." They switched and he sat next to me and kissed me. 

"Adrien, there's something I have to tell you." He looked at me like I'm about to say something bad. "What...what is it?" He looked so scared. I smiled and kissed him, then my face fell again. "Look you know how most of us are staying in Paris? Well, I'm going to the U.S. to study fashion." I couldn't look at him and I started to cry. He rapped his arms around me. "I'll go with you, Mari." 

"Will your father let you?" I looked up at him and he looked at me hard "Well, he needs to understand that I'm not a little kid I'm eighteen and I'd go anywhere for my princess." I smiled and kissed him. "So You're going to the U.S. with me?" He looked at me again "Yes, let's go to the U.S."   

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