Chapter 2: Warriors

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Adrien's POV.

Mari what have I done to you? I couldn't stop saying this to myself as she slept on my chest for what I did. She woke up after about an hour or two of me watching her sleep. She looked at me, her eyes were sad and was red and puffy, and smiled at me. 

"Hi, Kitty." She said putting her head back on my chest and embraced me. "Hello..." I couldn't not say this, this is how I saw her, "Princess, my princess." She looked up at me with surprise and looked back down and cried a little but she calmed herself down.

"Here we are, don't turn away now. We are the warriors that built this town. Here we are, don't turn away now. We are the warriors that built this town." She sung and stood up from me and climbed down the ladder from her bed and to her computer. 

The whole screen was of me as Adrien with pretty pink hearts she changed it to ladybug and me, "There now if I'm lucky I won't see him again at school." She said and my heart half broke, At least she still likes the real me the me I can be with the mask. The me I am inside. "Hey, hey what's wrong you don't normally act like this and you are so good at singing." I said with concern and surprise. 

"Okay for the first one Chloe blamed me and Adrien was the one that chose to go home" Her eyes turned angry, "Adrien chose to go home and Chloe thinks I did something to him and all I did was tell him my feelings and he rejected me." The anger left her eyes and her eyes filled with tears and before they could slip from her eyes I held her in my arms. "And for the singing, that song always calms me for a while and soon I just stop thinking about it." 

"Princess... does it hurt that bad?" I asked holding back a tear for her. "Yes, yes it does Chat. Has this feeling ever happened to you, not rejection just pain because someone you loved left you in ruble?" She asked and it hurt me inside that I know just how it felt and I made her feel the hard pain.

My heart was broken for Mari and there was nothing I could do but, wait there is something.

Marnette's POV.

It started getting dark and I told Chat "Maybe you should go just in case of an akuma." I said with a small smile. He finally let me go and smiled at me. "Oh, Chat, I'm not going to school for a week because Alya said not to, so will you come see me tomorrow?" I asked with a bright red blush spread across my face. He smiled even bigger and said, "Of course I will, you're my princess." 

Just in case Chat came to check on me I left the latch undone. I fell asleep and dreamt of Alya, Nino, and Adrien but Tikki wasn't there ether, she had been taken away for being unable to protect someone from an akuma.

I woke up in a sweat. I sat up and saw that it is 6:05 a.m. and was about to get some water. When I got a little further I couldn't move I look down through the dark. "Chat, what are you doing here?" I asked with a smile on my face. 

"I won't let you feel like that Princess, not because of me." He said with a frown on his sweet face and at the thought I blushed. "Chat. Chat!" He woke up startled "What is it?" "You said that you won't let 'Princess' feel the way she does, all because of you." He looked down and frowned. "I said to much I just came because you were crying in your sleep I came to help you and must have fallen asleep." "It doesn't matter what you said or why you're here. It just matters that you are here." 

His face lit up at the words I said. "Come on Chat lets make some breakfast." I said pulling on him but he pulled me back "Not yet Princess....." Princess?  What that would mean me. What did he do to me? "I just want to sleep, please?" Chat had his beautiful pure emerald eyes on me with the question in his eyes.

I gave in "Fine but I'm going to start baking." He pouted "But I want you to stay with me."

"Here when ever you miss me remember 'As a child, you would wait, and watch from far way.  But you always knew that you'd be the one to work while they all play.' you are a warrior."


I really love this song and it inspired me for this chapter. Imagine your inner dragon.

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