Chapter 12: Home Sweet Home

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Marnette's POV.

The doors to her office opened and we all stepped in. "Mrs.B..." I was cut off, "Marnette, it's so good to see." She hugged me. What the heck, her cutting me off was kinda rude. "Mrs.B, I need to talk to you..." She did it again, "Yes, Marnette, we do need to talk. Elizabeth, April, Mason....get out." They turned on their heals and walked out kinda fast. "Wait!" Everyone stopped. I turned to Mrs.B, "You have no right to treat these people the way you do." She looked at me then to them, "You have no right to treat my friends the way you do."

She looked at me like I was crazy. "Oh really? Is that how you feel?" I shook my head. "Okay then, all of you get out." I stood my ground, "No, I was to go to this school and that is what I will do, but you must be kinder to the people around you." She again looked like I was crazy, "Fine, you will go to this school but I will not stop treating the help like the help. They work for me and that is all they will do for me, work." 

I sighed thinking, They could spend the time with us and when we get out of the school we can leave and go to Paris or something. We walked around the school and by the time we finished it was dark so we went to bed. 

The next morning was good. I woke up in Adrien's arms, "Good morning, Kitty." I kissed him, slipped out of his arms, changed, and went looking for Liz, Mason, and April. I found them sitting at a table by themselves, I walked over to them, "Hi, guys. How has your morning going?" They looked at me, then behind me, then walked away from me. 

"Okay." Mrs.B sat next to me, "They agreed not to talk to you for their job and for their scholarships." I looked over at her, I'm sure what happened was different but how am I supposed to find out? I left the table. 

For the next four years of collage I didn't speak to my New York friends or Mrs.B. After the years I talked to Liz, Mason, and April. Adrien and I brought them with us to Paris. It turns out that Liz and Mason broke up, Liz found a guy named, get this, Adrian and April and Mason got together. Liz and Mason braking up was good I guess because now Liz is married to Adrian and April is married to Mason. 

When we got home I met Alya and introduced Liz and April to her.  When we got to my house my older sister Bridgette was there, I hadn't seen her in forever. Bridgette is about two years older than me. I looked my sister up and down, "Bridgette, you're married?!" They all stare at me, "How do you know that, Marnette?" I looked her up and down again, "You're my sister, I know these things from looking at you. I also know that you are pregnant." "Marnette, not even my husband knows I'm pregnant! Stop telling everyone, I would like to tell them."

"Okay then, you can tell us who the father is." I gave her a hard stare, "His name is Felix Agreste." I stared at her, "The jerk from school that you had a crush on for like years, he's your husband and father of your child?" She nodded. "Okay, well, I have to tell you something. I, um, I'm engaged to Adrien Agreste, Felix's little brother." 

Did I forget to say that Adrien proposed while I was in collage? "Well, at least we are all home sweet home. Right?" I look at Bridgette, "Yeah, home sweet home." 

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