Chapter 7: It's You

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Marnette's POV.

"So, Ladybug you want to dance or keep petting me?" Chat is so cute with or without his adorable powers. "I would love to dance." I giggled and he wept me across the dance floor. 

We waltzed across the dance floor and soon it was in one place. He pulled me close and he had both of his strong arms around my waist and I put my hands on his shoulders and around his neck. When the music stopped he bowed and walked with my hand in his arm. 

Once off the dance floor Chat went to talk to his kwami. "Tikki.." I called, "can I talk to Trix, Waze, Pollen, and when Chat is down talking to him Plagg?" "Sure..uh.." Tikki was puzzled. "Just say Marnette but whisper till the unmasking." "Okay, Marnette." Tikki whispered. 

Tikki flow off to find the other kwamis. "Hello, Ladybug." I turned around Rena Rouge was standing next to me. "Hello, Rena Rouge." 

While talking to Rena, Tikki came over with the kwamis except for Plagg. "Hello, Trix, Waze, and Pollen. I would like to know more about the five main kwamis that are right in front of me." 

All of a sudden there were strong arms around me while I talk to the kwamis. "Hello again, Chat." He leans forward and kisses my cheek. "Hello, Princess." He just held me like that. "Tikki, even though I'm Ladybug were all your owners Ladybugs or were they called different?" I had been wondering for a while now. 

"Well, I've been past through many places and each one called themselves Ladybug just in a different language." "That sounds right. If Plagg was here I would ask him the same question." Chat spoke up "He said once that there were several Chat Noirs in the past and they had the same name just a different language."

Tonight the others were aloud to have their miraculous' for the ball.  "Pollen get over here now!" We all heard Chloe yell rudely to Pollen. "Good-bye Ladybug and Chat Noir." I look at Chat and he looks at me and I don't look away. "I think it should be Chat Noir and Ladybug for a while now." He just hugged me tighter."Whatever pleases you, Princess." 

Chat turned me around and kissed me. He smelled like mint and his eyes of course were different from when he is really Chat, but he still had emerald green eyes and they were even brighter after the kiss.

Adrien's POV. 

Her hair smelled like strawberries and tasted like them too. She pulled away and turned back around and I placed my arms back around her waist. "Hey, du- I mean Chat Noir." I turned my head and saw Carapace. "I sadly have to leave you for the moment, Princess. I'll be right back, Bugaboo." I whispered, kissed her on the cheek and went to talk to Carapace.

"What's up, Carapace?" I was wondering why he took me away from my princess. "I wanted to know when you and Ladybug started to go out?" Wow I never thought of it all I knew was I had kissed her and we did it again. "I honestly don't remember. Ask Ladybug she should know." I started to walk away. "Wait! Why did you to start going out?" Carapace asked the question I could and would always remember and tell. 

"It was when the Sandboy made our worse nightmares come to life. Her nightmare was me dead because she couldn't defeat one of Hawk Moth's villains and I protected her and she didn't protect me. All she did was cry and I kissed her and she said she felt better." 

I was happy by the face he made and I went back to my princess to see Plagg talking to her. "Hey Princess. What are you guys talking about?" I was worried by the smirk that was on her face. "Plagg, what did you tell her!?" I put my arms back around her. "Plagg?" 

"Alright, alright I told her you had dolls of her and that you almost saw who she was along time ago." Plagg was going it get a lecture when we got home. "And I told him that I'm thankful that you didn't because you respected my wishes." She turned around and kissed me and again tasted like strawberries. 

Marnette's POV.

"Bye, Chloe." She gave me her miraculous and waved good-bye. "Okay, now it's time we all must show our secret identities. Who would like to show who you are first?" Carapace stepped up and took off his mask. "Nino?" Chat was surprised. Does he know Nino and how? Rena Rouge stepped up and took off her mask. "Alya?" Chat had such a confused face. 

"Okay, I want to see Chat's last so..." I stepped forward and took off her mask. "I think I love you more when you're yourself Mari." Chat stepped up and kissed me. "Please, Princess don't hate me." He stepped forward and I wondered why he said that.

He took off the mask I worked so hard on and "It's you." I can't believe it-it-it's......ADRIEN!


Now next chapter we may talk about school. Today season three episode four came out. 2-12-19

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