Chapter 4: I'm Right Here

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Adrien's POV.

I came to see Mari but didn't find her. I found Ladybug over.... A DEAD BODY?! "Ladybug are you okay?" She looks up and wipes away her tears and stands up but didn't speak. "My Lady, why are you crying?" "Chat?" She turned away from the body.

"Chat you're, you're...." She didn't even get through a sentence before crying again. I took two steps and she ran into my arms and wouldn't stop crying. "My Lady, I'm alright, I'm right here." She looked up at me and smiled "I-I I thought you were, you were." She looked down "I've said it once and I will say it again I'm right here." I just held her.


After the fight I went to Mari's and she was on her bed crying again. "PRINCESS! Princess are you alright?" She turned around "You, you're okay." She ran into my arms just like Ladybug "Mari look at me." She looked up "Mari, I'm right here, you're okay." 

"It-it-it was you, you were, were... I looked for you, I even called for you like I did a couple days ago and you, you didn't come." She looked down and sobbed into my chest.

"Hey, hey it's okay I'm here now." I couldn't look away from her, she had the same nightmare as Ladybug and they were both upset about it, wait is Ladybug and Mari in love with me or was it like friends? 

I looked down "Can I kiss you?" I whispered into her ear and I could tell she was blushing "O-okay." I smiled so large it didn't fit my face.

We went out to the balcony and we walked to the railing, we just watched the lights but I didn't forget she said that I could kiss her. I turned her around, cupped her cheeks and pulled her into a kiss. Her lips were perfect and tasted like strawberries just like her hair. 

I pulled away but I wanted to do it again "Wow, that was.... wow." She was wide eyed but I couldn't help it I kissed her again and it was even better than the first time. 

I pulled away again and she embraced me "Thank you Chat that makes me feel better."

She pulled back and I left.  (Back at Adrien's) "Plagg, claws in. I kissed her, but I rejected her." I just couldn't look at myself. "Plagg what should I do?" I was so confused. 

"Kid, just tell her the truth, I mean you kissed her so you must like her, right?" He made a good point, if I didn't love her I wouldn't have kissed her and at the same time I really trust her because she was my friend but now I'm not so sure. 

Marnette's POV.

The week Mari comes back.

"Girl, Adrien wasn't here the whole week the same as you." Alya sounded like something was going on behind her back. I looked down to see Adrien and that was enough for me I thought of Chat the whole day. 

"Girl, did you know that Chloe was suspended for a month." I was so happy to hear that but that was at the end of the day, all I thought was Chat. "See you later Alya." I ran to my house I thought I'm going to tell him who I am I'm in love with him I have to tell him he is my partner. 

I heard a shrill scream and ran towards it. Chat was already in the fight. I quickly transformed and fought along side Chat.

The akuma was the new girl named Lily. Lily was akumatized because she tried to talk to Nathaniel about doing art but got scared and put herself down and turned into "The Creator". "The Creator" would be loved by everyone and whatever she made it came to life. 

She had worn a jade necklace that was made in Japan where her grandma lived and missed her so much. The akuma had gone into her necklace and dropped during the fight and she stepped on it herself. It was her that made her own down fall. 

We finished the fight at the Louvre and detransformed in a closet, but I thought that someone was watching me.


Still not talking about school!!!! 

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