Chapter 9: I'll Never Stop Loving You

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Marnette's POV. 

At school

"Girl, the ball the other night was so cool." Alya was smiling so much. "Yeah, sure, cool." Alya looked at me. "Yeah you good, Girl?" She looked at me then remembered.

"He's a dead man!" She had this angry, serious, joking, and sad look in her eyes. "Alya, stop. He hurt me, yes, but he doesn't deserve to be hurt too." I looked at him and remembered the hurt, the hate and stared at him hard and put my hands into fists. 

He looked at me with hurt and sadness. I turned my stare to Alya and I closed my eyes. "Ms. Buster may I use the restroom?" I was so not going to be in the same room as Adrien at least not right now.

"Yes, Marnette." I got up "Thank you." and walked out the door. I walked into the bathroom and went into the stall. "Tikki, what am I doing?" I couldn't help but feel bad for Ch- Adrien. "Marnette, everything is going to be okay." I looked away. "Yeah, maybe you're right, Tikki."

I walked out of the stall. "Marnette Dupan-Cheng, what who do you think you are? You honestly thought that my Adriekins would love you? Just be glad that he didn't let you believe that there was something between you two." Chloe just stood there telling me that I wasn't good enough, that he was playing me for a fool. "I'm not even sure that he was really your friend." 

I couldn't take it anymore. "Why don't you go ask him yourself, Chloe? And maybe your right maybe he was just making fun of me like you make fun of everyone. I'm surprised you have a single friend but maybe you and your Adriekins deserve each other."

Chloe was about to say something when I ran from the bathroom and into Adrien. "Hey, Mari, are you okay?" He said it as if he cared and he grabbed my arms. I looked up at him "What do you care?" and ripped my arms from his hands.

I got my stuff out of my locker and found Alya "Can you just say that I', okay?" Alya understood right away "Yeah, Girl, you just need to go home right now, okay?" I looked at her "Yeah."

Adrien's POV.

"Chloe, what did you do?" I was about to go all Chat on her. "All I did was put that little insect - baker girl- in her place." Chloe sounded so pleased with herself, That's it! "You told her what?!"

"All I said is that you were playing her for a friend and that there was no way that you would love someone like her." She again sounded pleased with herself. "Why did you do that?! I wasn't playing her, I wanted to be her friend and I am in love with her."

"Oh come on everyone knows-" I couldn't let her finish. "Chloe, I've had it we are no longer friends. You just hurt the most important person in my life." I pushed her out of my way and went to find her.

"Alya, have you seen Mari?" She looked at me like she hated me. "She went home and I'm guessing it was because of you." 

I had a long sigh and ran to the outside of the school. "Plagg, claws out." I whispered and went right to Mari's house. 

"Mari? Mari, I need to talk to you." I heard something small. "Go away. Why are you here?" She said before looking at me with red and puffy eyes. "Because I love you." She still looked at me but was sad at my response. 

"No, you don't. You were just making a fool out of me. You and Chloe deserve each other."  What did she say to you Princess? "What are you talking about? What ever she said is a lie." She sat up in her bed and just looked at me. I sat down on her bed next to her.

"Look you love Ladybug and I'm not her. Why would you love someone that is so different than her?" She was about in tears. I couldn't take it anymore. I kissed her as passionate as I could to make her understand that I was in love with her.

All she did was let it happen and ask why I did it the way I did. "Because I'm in love with you, Marnette Dupan-Cheng. No matter what happens or what anyone says I love you." She was about to cry again and all I did was hold her. She just cried into my chest, I detransformed and she got closer. 

"I'm mad at you, but.....No I can't...can't tell you she'll...she'll..." I understood a little bit now. 

"Tell me, Mari. She isn't going to control you, okay? You are strong and beautiful and everything will be fine, plus I told her she could get lost because she hurt you. Yes, I know you were talking about Chloe." 

She smiled and then went back to the I'm still mad at you look. I sighed "Okay, Mari, I'll leave you be but I'll never stop loving you."

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