Crookshanks and the prisoner of Azkaban

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Authors Note: Hey, so this idea is something I saw on Pinterest, it is about if Crookshanks (Hermione's cat) was also the Potter's old cat that Harry hit on his toy broomstick. Someone told me that I should write a fic about it, and I thought, heck, why not? Some things you should know are: I will keep this clean, I hate when people add a bunch of unnecessary crap to their stories, I also am not totally dedicated to adding more one shots/fics so this may be the last or there might be more.

Disclaimer: I do not own any of these characters. All inspiration for this comes from J. K. Rowling and Pinterest.

Crookshanks bolted after the fat old rodent, almost catching him before he scurried out of the way. He had been trying to catch him for weeks now, mostly without success. Another year had passed, and Crookshanks had a human now. After years of sitting in the old dusty pet shop in Diagon Alley, listenin to the croaks of toads and the screeches of owls he finally had a human. Hermione had fluffy brown hair that stood up when she got out of bed, and big brown eyes. Crookshanks had come with Hermione to a school. The school was always busy and bustling with other humans. On the days when Hermione didn't have class, she sat with Crookshanks on her lap and read, or talked to the boys. Crookshanks thought that the boy with black hair and green eyes looked oddly familiar. The other boy hated Crookshanks, and the feeling was mutual. It was because Crookshanks always tried to catch his ugly rat.
     Earlier that day, Crookshanks had been chasing the rat when he noticed a shaggy black dog wandering through the trees on the edge of the Hogwarts grounds. He followed him, when he finally caught up he was standing in a clearing surrounded by trees. A tall man with dark shaggy hair and a ruddy complexion. The man knelt down and stroked his fur. "Well if it isn't Ringo!" He exclaimed, "What are you doing here?"

     Crookshanks purred when he heard his old name, the name from his past. Before he had belonged to Hermione, he had lived with a family called Potter. They had one little boy who always chased him on his flying stick. They had been killed, and Crookshanks had wandered the streets of Godrick's Hollow until a lonely old man picked him up and took him to the pet shop.

     He looked to see the ruddy man smiling at him. He stroked Crookshanks's back then turned and ran towards the castle.

     The next few days were different for Crookshanks. The school had been locked down for a night because an intruder had been seen in the Gryffindor tower. The next night Crookshanks almost caught the rat, but the red headed boy stopped him. The castle had been very loud lately. A few days after the intruder had come,  Crookshanks had followed the rat into an old angry tree they came out into an old bedroom. Crookshanks heard humans coming down the stairs to the room and he scrambled under the bed. He watched as the door slammed open and the shaggy black dog pulled the boy with red hair in. The dog left him in the corner. The boy grimaced as he leaned over to pick up his rat. The big dog growled and turned into the nice man that Crookshanks had met earlier. With more scuffling on the stairs, the door swung open again and Hermione and the black haired boy stormed in, pointing their wands at the man. After that, a man with dirty blond hair and a wiskered face came in followed by a gross looking teacher with long black hair. They all started to fight, and they shot sparkles at each other with their wands. This continued until the blond man said, "he's right there, in Ron's hands." He pointed to the rat. "He is Peter Pettigrew, he told Voldemort were Harry's family was."

     Crookshanks remembered now, Harry was the boy who Crookshanks belonged too before Hermione. It made him mad to know that his parents were killed by the rat. Peter Pettigrew bolted away from Ron and with a pop turned into a short, fat man with big teeth. He tried to run away but the others held him down. Eventually everyone went back up the stairs and left Crookshanks under the bed. He wanted to help, he wanted revenge on the sniveling rat faced man who had helped kill his previous family. Most of all he wanted to see the dog/man again. It had been so long since he had a friend.

     Crookshanks ran out of the passage that he had come through earlier. He bolted out of the grasp of the tree and up towards the giant mans hut. He could hear howls and shouting coming from the forest.

     He decided that he should help Harry and Hermione, they were his only family, his only humans. By the time he reached them, (it seemed as though they were moving around quite a bit) Ron was gone and Hermione and Harry were running through the forest back towards the castle. Crookshanks was way to tired to follow them, and he had been running for a very long time. He plopped down in some bushes and went to sleep.

     He was jolted awake when someone came crashing through the woods. It was Harry! Crookshanks decided to follow him. He was obviously in a hurry. He stumbled through the undergrowth until he reached a frozen pond surrounded by dark hooded creatures. The dark haired man that had known his old name was sprawled motionless in the cold bank. Harry knelt next to the man then looked up at the hooded figures swirling above. He stood back up then pointed his wand at the dark spirits a meager spark shot from it. Something caught Crookshanks's eye, another human stood on the far end of the pond. He shot a silver burst from his wand and a silver stag erupted out of the light. The stag trampled through the air dispersing the shadows. After staring in awe at the stag, Harry collapsed next to Crookshanks's friend. Crookshanks still felt the need to protect Harry and the dog-man, he stayed out of sight watching until teachers from the school came and took them away.

     Crookshanks wandered through the darkness until he reached the edge. He looked around at the damp grounds then up at the castle. A big bird took off from the top of the highest tower.    A small squeak caught his attention. The evil rat man thing scurried across the grass behind him the rat turned and saw him but it was too late. Crookshanks pounced on top of him and scrambled to get him into his mouth. The rat grew until he was a stout ugly man, he edged away from the cat's claws and teeth. Crookshanks pounced again and managed to get one good scratch across his left arm before he escaped through the forest. Disappointed, he plopped down on the cool grass and meowed. A few minutes later he stood up and headed back towards the castle.

When he finally got back to the common room, Harry and Hermione stood by the stairs talking. Hermione scooped him up and snuggled him against her. "What have you been doing," she teased, "you've had an adventure too didn't you?" She hugged him again, and Crookshanks finally knew that this was his home, and that he had a family..

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