Micheal Vey, the aftermath

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Authors Note: I really love the Michael Vey series, it is one of my favorites, and it is very under-read. The actual story is pretty short but I also am going to write some things that I think happened to some of the characters after the books ended. The epilogue was good, but it left out some of the characters.

Disclaimer: I do not own a single one of these characters, or their stories. These all belong to Richard Paul Evans.

What I think happened after the books ended:

Taylors family adopted Tara too, because her brothers were moved out, and have their own families and lives. They wanted Taylor to have a sister. MIchaels dad helped pay the adoption fees.

Abi went to Italy to study nursing during her senior year. Jack plans on joining her after he graduates to study law enforcement.

Ian and Mckenna are both adopted by families in the resistance, they both end up attending Meridian High and Mckenna continues to date Ostin.

The entire electroclan gets flown in from werever in the world they are for a giant birthday party every year.

Brian and Kylee were forgiven, and are accepted by most of the electroclan although they are kept under constant surveillance.

Cassy becomes and intern for Elgen Inc. and works as a secretary for Michael's dad, Grace also becomes an intern and acts as a storage file for sensitive information, They both attend Meridian High School

Ostin turns down the offer to graduate high school a year early. He wants to experience school with his friends.

Nichelle drops out of school, legally this time because she figures she has enough education from the academy. She works for Elgen Inc. and has a tattoo parlor on the side.

Tessa is reunited with some extended family that wasn't in the fire that killed her parents. She now lives in California with her Aunt, Uncle and two cousins. She does keep in touch with the rest of the electroclan. She still dates Zeus.

There are a few more, but i'm not going to share them until later.

"Are you ready Taylor?" Ostin called from the base of the stairs, "Tara?" Michael elbowed him. Michael knew to be patient, Taylor would be a while before Tara was done with her.

Michael looked over at Quentin, who rolled his eyes and mouthed, "We are going to be late!"

"We're coming!" exclaimed Tara from the top step, She and Taylor started down the stairs.

"I tried to tell her that it was just a football game," Taylor said with a smile after motioning to her twin. "She wouldn't listen!"

"Its fine, we should still have time to pick up Mckenna and Ian." Quenten laughed and went to take Tara's hand. They all grabbed their last minute chip bags and purses, and hurried out the door. Taylor and Ostin climbed into Michael's truck, and Quentin and Tara took the car. They drove for the seven minutes it took to get to Mckennra and Ian's foster family's house. In no time at all, they were on their way to the high school. In the parking lot, behind the football stands, students were already setting up their picnics and speakers for the pregame tailgate party. Michael pulled in next to Jack's huge chevy and Quentin took the other side.

As soon as Taylor and Mckenna got out of the vehicle, they ran, squealing into Abi's open arms. "I can't believe you made it!" Taylor shouted.

"I can't either! I had to take a later flight!" Abi was crying. "Jack had to pick me up from the airport because I didn't have time to rent a car!"

"No problem." Jack cut in.

"How was Italy?" Mckenna wondered aloud.

Abigale hesitated for a moment, and then said, "Beautiful, but lonely. Most of the time I'm in school. For the first part of the day, I have normal classes, but then I go to the nursing center after lunch. I still get all my credits though."

"Well, we missed you a lot." Taylor said, "And you won't have to go back for long because Michaels dad is flying everyone in for the birthday. We are going to do some big trip or something, He won't tell me, it's supposed to be a surprise."

The group of teens laughed and ate, occasionally mingling with other parties. The game was supposed to start at six, so they all headed over to the stands. Taylor grabbed Michael's hand and whispered, "Is that the hoodie that I gave you?"

He looked down at himself. It was indeed the hoodie that she had given him for his fifteenth birthday, a long three years ago, back when they were freshmen. It still had the school logo on the front, although it was fading. Michael nodded and Taylor kissed him. "That was so long ago! How did it manage to survive all our adventures?"

"I have no idea." He grabbed her hand and pulled her along to catch up to the group. "Every day I look back on all we have been through and I wonder how we could possibly still only be in high school. You would think that we were in our forties for how much crap the world has thrown at us."

"Yeah, but now we have our whole lives ahead of us, but we won't take it for granted because we will know how precious life really is. Take Wade, for example. He never got to finish high-school, he never got to grow up. We can learn from that."

"You are really smart. You know that right?"

"Yeah, I know, just not as smart as Ostin though."

Michael laughed, "He doesn't know when to be quiet though, you on the other hand always say what I need to hear, exactly when I need to hear it."

"I love you too." She reached up and hugged him, hard.

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