Following the Trail-Fablehaven/Dragonwatch

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Authors Note: Guess What!!! I finally read Master of the Phantom Isle!!!!! It was soooooo great! Its only been out for a week though and I really need someone to fangirl with because I am feeling really alone in the world right now so if y'all have read it, send me a message or comment please! This one is short, so I might add on sometime but probably not. Comment on what series I should do next! This was inspired by myself, when I was hunting with my family. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I own none of the Fablehaven/Dragonwatch characters, they all belong to one of my favorite authors (us Utah people need to stick together), Brandon Mull.

"Bracken!" I hissed at the oblivious boy that was stepping along quietly on the path. He turned around. I pointed up the hill. When he saw what I was pointing at, a look of realization appeared on his face. A medium sized buck stood at the crest of the knoll. Bracken slowly reached back and slid the slender rifle from his shoulder. I held my breath. A loud crack rang out across the valley. The deer he had shot at sprang from its still position and bolted over the crest of the hill. He turned aroud, whiping sweat from his brow.
"Did you see if I hit it?" he asked, "I couldn't tell with all the hassle."
"I couldn't tell. I was focused on you." I said. I started walking over to where the animal had been standing. I could see that some twigs were snapped when it ran, but I didn't see any blood or tufts of hair.
He came up behind me. "Do you see anything?" He said placing a hand on my shoulder.
"No. but your eyes are better than mine." I laughed.
We wandered around the area until Bracken glanced up from the ground and said quietly, pointing at a bead of liquid on the ground. "Found blood." he said. "Now we know I hit it."
"Here's more." I said pointing a little bit farther down the hill. This time it was smeared on the side of some brush. The pair continued to hike around following the trail. The sun began to set. I estimated that we had about an hour and a half left of light.
    "Hey. I see something." Bracken said, "Look."
"I think that's it." I agreed.
We hurried up to the animal. It was definately the deer he had shot. The tall antlers rose into four points. "Good job!" I said. "It will look great next to mine!"

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