Annabeth's Problem

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Author's note: Hey guys, this was originally supposed to be a short story about how Annabeth's stepbrothers found out she was a demigod. It kinda took a different turn. Enjoy!

PS. Please comment if you have any ideas about short stories for any fandoms. If I have read/watched them, I will most likely write about them.

Disclaimer: I own none of Rick Riordan works, I just love his books so therefore I will write about them!


Annabeth flopped down on her small bed. She had a boatload of homework, and for once she really didn't want to do it. It wasn't like she loved homework. She wasn't that crazy. She was just good at it. One of the perks of being a daughter of Athena. High School was really something. In the first week Annabeth had been asked out four times. She had gently turned each of them down. She had Percy. Ha! People probably thought she was faking having a boyfriend by now! The school year was almost over. Spring break was coming up and she would be headed to New York then Camp. Enough procrastination. She ordered herself. She reached for her book bag that she had tossed on the floor by her bookshelf. Might as well get started, she said to herself. She pulled out her Algebra worksheet and got started. After a while the sounds of Bobby and Matthew running around downstairs with one of the next door neighbor kids got too loud for her to think. She put her earbuds in and toned out the noise with some country music. She had been listening to country for the past few months. It helped her think, and it reminded her of summers with Percy and Camp Half Blood.

     That night was date night, for her Dad and Stepmom. Annabeth would be babysitting her siblings. Bobby and Matthew were eleven, but they were hyper enough to be seven. Enough to still need a babysitter. Annabeth usually played hard with her siblings, but tonight she wasn't feeling it. The neighbor kid, Sam, had gone home so Annabeth turned on the T.V and told them not to break anything. "Hey," she told them, "I really don't feel good so can you keep it down? I will be in the kitchen reading if you need me."

     "Sure." Bobby said, he was the less hyper, more empathetic twin. He understood when someone didn't want their pranks and teasing.

     "Why can't you play with us?" Grumbled Matthew. He was the more hyper, more athletic of the two. He was nice but he wasn't very patient.

     "I'm tired, I had track practice today."

     "Oh ok."

Annabeth grabbed her book and plopped down at a kitchen bar stool. She didn't even have time to find her page before she heard a high pitched scream. She at first thought it was her brothers but then realized it was too far away. Judging by the muffled sound of it, it was next door. She sprinted up the stairs to grab her sword. She felt the familiar drakon bone under her hand as she went back down. When she got to the living room, she noticed that her brothers were huddled on the couch staring at her in shock. "I'm just going next door to see what is happening."

     "I wanna come." Said Bobby timidly. "Don't leave us alone."

     "I will be right back, don't open the door for anyone. Just stay here."

     The boys nodded, eyeing her sword nervously. She opened the door and locked it once she was through. Even if it wasn't a monster, just a robber or other bad mortal, Annabeth couldn't just leave the neighbors to get hurt. She patted her side to make sure she had her knife as she ran to the front door on the house that belonged to Sammy and his mother. The door was cracked. Annabeth slowly eased it open and stepped inside. The screaming continued, and now that she was closer, she could hear hissing and sobbing. Annabeth slowly climbed the stairs and tiptoed toward one of the bedrooms the door was wide open and that was were the shrieking was coming from. When she could see through the doorway, her eyes widened. A tall, beautiful woman stood above Sammy's mother. Sammy was curled up on the floor behind her sobbing. The woman would have been beautiful at least, if she didn't have two mismatched legs and flame hair and talons, the empousa slashed the mothers shoulder and she fell to the ground by her son. The creature went in for the kill, but was stopped mid-swipe by Annabeth sliced the sword straight through the vampires midsection. She burst into monster dust. That was close! Annabeth thought. She bent down to help Sammy's mother up. The damage was worse then she had thought. The lady had passed out from the pain. Annabeth set her down softly and moved over to Sammy. Sammy was still curled up, sobbing. She put a comforting hand on his shoulder, but quickly yanked it back when she realized that a transparent wine goblet was spinning above his head. It was glowing slightly purple. "Hey." She began, coaxing him out of his own arms. "Guess what!"

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