The Clutz- The Selection

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Authors Note- Hey people! Here's a little selection fluff, enjoy!
Disclaimer- All concepts and characters belong to Kiera Kass
"But, I am not quite sure what would happen if they did!" I groaned. Marlee and I had just finished watching an old movie, that had ended so abruptly, we couldn't possibly refrain from skepticism.
"They have to! It isn't a proper love story if they don't get married!" Marlee argued. I laughed thinking about my own complicated love life. I wiped my sweaty hands on the front of my gown. I turned to her.
"Isn't that the truth though?" I wondered. "Its seems like every fairytale I've ever heard ends in marriage or marriage plans!"
"I know!"
A scream ripped through the long corridor. It took a second for me to realize it was my own. I was falling. Tipping forward and tumbling down the stairs that I hadn't realized were there until I fell down them. I am so stupid sometimes, I thought, I have lived here for more than a year and I am still falling down stairs. "Are you all right?" Marlee called cupping her hands to her mouth.
"I am fine!" I called back glancing up at her. I really had fallen a long way. My tailbone felt bruised and my elbows ached. "Ow," I muttered under my breath. I swooned as I stood up. My head hurt, just another injury to add to the list. I grabbed the stair railing to steady myself and began to climb the stairs again.
"Stop!" Shouted Marlee. "You must go to the infirmary."
"I'll be fine." I insisted. "It's just bruised!"
"Why does she need to go to the infirmary?" another voice called from down the hall. Maxon. I rolled my eyes, but he was already running towards us.
"I.." I opened my mouth to tell him that I did not need to go to the hospital wing.
"She fell down the stairs." Marlee quickly cut in.
"Well my dear, you certainly must go to the infirmary. What if you have a concussion?"
"I don't. And I do not want to go to the hospital! I'm fine!" I groaned.
"I know that, but seeing as I am the king, you should go to the doctor. Just in case."
"You are such a pain. You know that?" I sputtered. "And seeing as I am queen, and your wife, I say that I shan't go to the doctor."
"You are impossible." He said scooping me up and hoisting me down the stairs. I heard Marlee giggle.
"Ugh." was all I said. I let him carry me to the landing before squirming out of his arms and insisting that I walk the rest of the way.
When we reached the hospital. The doctor looked me up and down. He checked my eyes and winked at me. I stared confused before he turned to Maxon and Marlee. "She is just fine. Although a bit bruised."
I mouthed a quick thank you before turning on my heel and rushing out of the room Maxon and Marlee right on my heels. "Happy?" I asked Maxon playfully.
"Yes." was all he said. Marlee excused herself to change for supper, and we went back upstairs. I skipped as he opened the door. Our rooms were conjoined, so I strolled across his room and through the opening to mine. Anne was waiting for me by the closet.
"Do you want me to help you change?" She asked
"Only to zip my back." I said. I walked to the closet and pulled out a long evening
gown. I slipped out of the dress I was wearing and pulled the new one on. Anne zipped me up and put my earlier dress away while I brushed my hair.
"Do you want me to do your hair?"
"Yes, thank you." They chatted while Anne twisted and braided her hair into an elaborate updo.
A little while later. America and Maxon stood at the entrance to the dining room Arm in arm. "How's your head?" He asked.

I replied, "Fine thanks." He turned to give me a quick peck on the cheek before leading me into the dining hall. Aspen and Lucy were already seated, but Marlee and Carter were nowhere to be seen. "Should we wait or them?" I asked Maxon.
"For a little while. He said,"If they don'g get here soon we can start without them."
We waited for about seven minutes. I fingered my sleeve. "Should we go check on them?"
"Probably." Maxon pulled my chair back and I stood up. Lucy and I hurried as fast as we could in our heels behind Maxon and Aspen. It wasn't long before we heard someone shouting.

It was Marlee. "Carter!" She yelled. "Get back here! I'm fine." I heard footsteps and Carter jogged around the corner and ran towards them.
"What's wrong?" Lucy demanded.
"Marlee fell down the stairs." Carter panted.
"Is she all right?" I snickered.
"I think so. Why are you laughing?" He looked at me with a grimace. Maxon burst into tearful laughter.
"Mer fell down those same stairs today." Maxon explained. They reached the base of the staircase. Marlee sat on the bottom step, scarred hands clutching her ankle. I knelt down beside her and hugged her hunched form.
"Oh Marlee! Are you okay?"
"I think so." She grunted.
Carter picked her up slowly off the ground. "Let's get you to the hospital wing." He said.
"All right. She muttered through gritted teeth.
I looked at Maxon. He was obviously holding back a laugh. I elbowed him and the smile instantly disappeared off his face. As soon as Marlee was out of earshot, he grinned again. "Sorry." He quickly spoke before I could elbow him again. "I'm not laughing at her injury, just at the difference between you and her."
"What's the difference?" I asked, mildly offended.
"Well that's just it. You would do anything to get out of going to the infirmary. She is perfectly fine with it. I think that's one of the many reasons I love you so much. You are independent. Although, sometimes I wish you would accept my help."
"I'll try to let you help me more often." I said to shut him up. I didn't really intend to actually do it. I did think it was sweet that he wanted to help me though.

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