The Coronation: Pennyroyal Academy

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Author's Note: I really really love this series, but it is so underread. Nobody I know has read it, and I love it soooooooooo much, and I just want people to love it too. If you have read it, please comment. I don't want to be the only one. Also I highly recomend it to anyone who likes Harry Potter, The Selection, The Lunar Chronicles, and Percy Jackson. Its great! This one is really long so I hope you enjoy!

Disclaimer: The characters of this story (and the story ideas) do not belong to me. They belong to M. A. Larson.

Evie pulled hard on the reins to get the horse to stop. She wasn't used to this horse, he was good and strong, but he just wasn't the same as Boy. She missed Boy, she didn't know what had happened to him after the battle against the witches. She looked around at her surroundings. She was at the edge of a small village, there was a run-down inn, and a bunch of rickety shacks that Evie supposed were houses. Not that she was one to judge, she had grown up in a cave.

She was heading to Remington's kingdom. She had been going home to see her family, (the dragon one) and then she was going to go search the Western isles for her mother, Princess Middlemiss. Evie was just reaching the small kingdom of Drolsmier when she had received a parchment hawk from Remington, inviting her to his official coronation. Technically, Remington was already king. His father died last summer, but because of the wars against the witches, he hadn't been crowned yet. She debated only for a night before deciding to go to the coronation rather than finding her long lost mother. She owed it to Remington, and she might also find information on her mother's wearabouts if she went.

The village she was riding through was small, but familiar. She had never been there, although one of her very best friends Maggie lived there with her father. A small crowded could be seen as she navigated the main road of the town. The people parted for her and knelt, surprising her with their admiration.

"We have been told of your success." one old woman said.

"You have freed us from our evil captors," another man said.

"We are forever in your debt."

She was showered with praise, as she trotted down the cobblestone road. She wasn't fully used to the attention yet, even though the same thing happened at most of the towns she had been though. She had after all defeated many witches in the last three years, and had found that she was the true princess of Saudade.

"Can we do anything to assist with your journey?" The old woman asked.

Evie thought for a moment, "Not really. I am just passing through, I haven't time to stay the night. I could use some directions though. Do you think you could point me in the exact direction of King Remington's castle?" A number of fingers pointed her in the correct direction. "And also, could anybody tell me where the residence of Maggie could be? I am told she lives in this village, I'm just not sure where."

A thin, red headed figure elbowed through the crowd and emerged behind Eve's horse. "Evie!" she called

Evie spun around. "Maggie!" she quickly dismounted and wrapped her friend in a hug. "I've come to take you to Remington's coronation ball!"

"I was wondering if you would show up! I have an invitation as well, I was planning to leave tomorrow morning if you didn't come!"

"Are you ready to leave?" Evie asked, "I would prefer to get their late tonight. Just so I have time to get ready for the ball."

"Yes, I will just have to tell my father that you came, and grab my knapsack."

Evie followed her on horseback to one of the slightly less forlorn shacks, and waited outside while Maggie collected her things and said goodbye to her father. She came around the house on an old mule. Evie straightened her saddle bag and started in the direction that the townsfolk had told her to go. Night started to fall two hours after the girls left the village. Maggie had offered to let Evie stay at her home for the night, but Evie thought it better to get to the palace as soon as possible. Even if it meant traveling through the night. In hardly no time at all, it was dark, and Evie could only see by the moonlight filtering in through the trees. She heard Maggie behind her stifling a yawn. "I"m glad I brought a spare dress." She pondered sleepily. "This one is getting all torn up."

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