Visitor at Fablehaven

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   Authors Note: I've been working on this one for so long, I can't remember where I got the idea. Probably Pinterest. It's set after the Dragonwatch Series, so I tried to make it fit with anyway the series ends. Hope you like it!

Disclaimer: I own none of the characters in this story. They all belong to Brandon Mull.  

Kendra laughed as she shifted the old truck's gears. The familiar crank made her smile. She and Seth were going to enjoy yet another summer with her grandparents at Fablehaven, a magical preserve for mythical creatures. She had turned seventeen two weeks before, the same year her parents had moved them away from Fablehaven so that the kids could go to school. They had to move to a new city because everyone at their old home thought Kendra was dead. For her birthday, her dad and Warren had bought her an old truck, so that she could drive herself to school, and so that she could get herself and Seth to Fablehaven for the summer.

They were finally pulling up the gravel driveway to the big house as the sun set. The fairies were flitting around the yard. Newer and Doren were playing football at the far end of the lot. They waved and went back to their game. A smile crept onto her face. Bracken stood on the porch laughing and grinning. He hopped the railing and jogged towards them. Once he got there he pulled the truck door open with one hand and helped Kendra out with the other.

"Nice truck!" He smirked, in a friendly way.

"Nice to see you!" She pulled him into a hug.

"Do you think Grandma has any hot-chocolate ready?" Seth wondered aloud.

"Yeah, she was making some earlier, go on and get some!" Bracken motioned towards the house. Seth took off dropping his duffle-bag as he ran.

Kendra laughed, "I think he was sick of not being able to see the creatures!"

"Tomorrow I have something to show you, it's going to be so awesome!"

"Oh, really?"

"Yeah, but don't try to trick me into telling you. It won't be a surprise!"

"I won't.

"Good." He put his arm around her and led her into the big house.

He pushed open the door for her, after picking up Seth's fallen bag that had landed on the front steps. Inside Kendra could smell the chocolate wafting in from the kitchen. Warren and Vanessa sat on the couch pouring over an old journal. Kendra noticed how their hands occasionally brushed over each other's. Seth came running down the stairs yelling that his emergency kit was still where he had left it. Grandpa sat in his rocking chair. "Welcome home!" He said warmly.

"Hey Grandpa!"

"Hello Kendra, how was the drive?"

"Good thanks! Seth complained the whole way through."

He ignored her comment on Seth. "Why don't you kids go upstairs and put your stuff away? You've had a long trip."

"Ok, see ya grandpa!" Seth said. He grabbed his bad from Bracken and sprinted up the stairs. Kendra nodded and she and Bracken followed.

The attic bedroom was the exact same as they had left it when they moved. Seth threw his duffel on the floor and flopped onto his bed. Bracken sat on Kendra's and watched her put her stuff away. She shoved her bags under her bed and stood up. "We should all go get some dinner. I'm starving!"

They went downstairs, and Grandma heaped their plates with potatoes and roast beef. It was really late, but Kendra and Seth hadn't eaten anything since lunch so they shoveled the food into their mouths. Warren came in and yawned. "Hey guys, I'm going up to bed, but I wanted to say hi because you just got here."

"Hey Warren!" Kendra exclaimed

"Hey Kens." He yawned again. Seth said something unintelligible from the food stuffed in his mouth. A wave of exhaustion fell over Kendra, her eyes started to droop.

"I need to go to bed." She breathed

"Night." Said Warren.

She stumbled up the stairs and into the attic bedroom. She had set her pajamas out of bed earlier when they were unpacking. She slipped them on then crawled into bed. She fell asleep as her head hit the pillow.

"Kendra!" Someone whisper-yelled. She was being shaken awake.

"It's too early." She muttered

"Wake up, we have stuff to do." It was Bracken. "Let's go!"

She rolled out of bed groaning. She sleepily went over to the dresser and pulled out some shorts and a t-shirt. She changed in the bathroom, washed her face and pulled her hair back. Bracken was waiting downstairs with Warren. "Come on!" Bracken smiled.

"Where are we going?"

"You'll see."

Warren led them across the yard and into the forest a little ways. They made small talk while the walked until they came to the hedge bordering the pond. They went around to the gate which Warren unlocked. They shut it behind them, but Kendra noticed that there wasn't the usual chirping of fairies and the normal rustling of leaves, she didn't think that anything would be following them.

Once inside the pond clearing, Kendra noticed something out of place. A tall slender girl stood by the closest gazebo. She wasn't a dryad. "Eve!" Kendra squealed and ran to her. She had grown to be at least six inches taller than when they had met. "How are you here?"

"She came through the shrine." Bracken said, having caught up with them. "I had to make an exception for her. She needed an escape from Terrabelle. Her father was finally about to stuff her in that luxurious dungeon if she didn't stop protesting the neutrality."

"Not that its much of a dungeon." Eve added. They all knew what she was talking about, the dungeon at Terrabelle in Wyrmroost was not really a dungeon. It was a five star hotel for people who committed minor crimes and treason.

"I knew that meant she couldn't help us keep the dragons under control if she was locked up, so I granted her access. "

"Well, "Kendra said, hugging Eve one last time, "Im glad you're here."

"Me too. " Eve giggled, "Did Seth fair alright without me?"

"He will be so happy to see you."

Eve's face lit up. "Why didn't he come?"

Kendra turned to Bracken and threw him a questioning look.

"I wanted you to help me surprised him."

"Oh," Kendra said, "Well then let's surprise him."

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