From the Journal of Cassiopea-The Fifth Wave

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Authors Note: Hello peaple! I am so proud of myself! I never post every day and now I'm on a three day streak! I still think that someone else in this world need to read the new Dragonwatch, because I am feeling lonely and there is nobody to skeptical about book four with! This story is short, but lately I have just been writing to pass time so y'all probably won't get a long one till ya comment on some ideas! This is a journal entry written by Cassiopea II. Hope ya like!
    PS. I might add on to this later, but probably not until I have finished my to do list of stories to write. I NEED IDEAS!!!!!!!

Disclaimer: I do not own the fifth wave series. They belong to Rick Yancey.

My name is Cassiopea. I am ten years old. This morning I was running through the house with Sam when Evan came and gave me a book. He told me that it belonged to Cassiopea, my name sake. I immediately thanked him for it and went into the kitchen to find a pencil. Ringer, who is my mother, was the one who taught me how to read and write at a young age. Zombie said that I was the better at english than he ever was. And he went to a real school! I read through the first few pages and saw that Cassie must have been very smart. She wrote like she was much older than she was, but I guess I must too. Ringer and all the others don't talk about her much. They will answer any questions I ask, but never anything more. All I really know is that she died saving the world from creatures. Aliens Sammy calls them. After the blast, there were only three and a half reports of possesed people. Don't ask me to explain how the half thing happened, I have no idea. I only know what they tell me.
That was a lie, I know much more than they tell me, but only of stuff that I find out for myself. Sometimes, I will learn things when I see parts of the old world when scavenging for food or supplies. We don't do that as often now that Evan and Ben figured out how to make the garden grow. Sometimes I feel like the world is just a garden of people. Always growing and changing. The old civilization wilted so easily when the waves came. Almost as if a frost settled over their growth, snuffing it out. I have to stop writing, Ringer is calling for me.


I noticed a long time ago that Evan and I am the only one of us that doesn't have a nickname. I know why Evan doesn't, its because a long time ago, Cassiopea Sulivan told him to choose. He chose to be a person, like her. He felt like having his name changed would be insulting her memory. That same reason is partly why I'm not called anything else, although it's mostly because I never had to escape. I never wanted to change my identity. I never was forced through a war that forced me into someone I am not. Cassie is my name and that is the name that I believe fits me. Zombie took to calling me junior when I was small. He stopped only when I yelled at him and cried. He normally doesn't tolerate my yelling. It is part of the arrangement. I listen to what he says, as long as he listens to my side. I actually have the better part of the deal. It gives me the sense that I have a father. Or at least someone to parent me aside from Ringer.
    Later today we are going out to explore. Or should I say them. I get to stay here with one of the others. I hope Nugget finds me something new. He is sixteen, and one of my only friends. Every time they go out, I ask him to bring me something. Last time it was a lego set, taken from a department store. This time, I hope he brings me books or something that will keep me entertained. They probably won't be back for a while. Three days or something. It's getting late, the others will be leaving soon. I am going to stop writing for now.

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