Teddy Lupin

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Authors Note: Hey guys, this idea I got from another Wattpad story, it was about Harry and Ginny's life before the Cursed Child. I wanted to write about Teddy Lupin and his first years of Hogwarts. This is unedited so there might be typos. Feel free to comment about my mistakes so that I can fix them. ;) 

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any of its Characters. They all belong to J.K Rowling. 

"Goodbye!" Shouted Teddy through the open window to his family as the train started to move. "See you at Christmas!" He watched as they grew smaller and smaller until they were the size of ants in the distance. He sat back in his seat and placed the map Harry had given him in his trunk. He looked around his empty compartment. I'm really going to Hogwarts! He thought. He had heard about the wizarding school for years from his Godparents Ginny and Harry Potter, who had raised him since he was five. His parents had died in the battle of Hogwarts in 1998, they were killed by Voldemort and his followers when he was eleven days old.

There was a knock at the compartment door. A dark skinned girl peeked in and asked, "Can I sit here? Everywhere else is so crowded."

"Sure," Teddy said pushing his trunk out of her way.

He helped hoist her trunk onto the rack then and sat down. She placed her owl cage next to her and shook her tight curls. When they were finally situated she asked,"So what's your name?"

"Teddy, well actually it's Edward Lupin, but everyone calls me Teddy."

"Mine is Reina, Reina Horne."

"Well, nice to meet you Reina," Teddy said holding out his hand.

"You too, Teddy," she laughed, shaking it. "So are you excited for Hogwarts?"

"Yeah, I've been hearing about it for years. I can't believe it's finally my turn to go."

"Oh my Goodness, I'm so exited. I want to be in Gryffindor." She said, "What house do you want to be in?"

"Gryffindor, or Hufflepuff. Like my parents. they died when I was just a baby."

Reina seemed genuinely sorry, she looked Teddy in the eye and asked, "So do you have any siblings?"

"No, I'm the only one, unless you count James and Albus, they are my godfather Harry's kids."

"Wait, is your godfather Harry Potter?"


"That is so amazing! How did he know your parents?"

"My dad was a teacher at Hogwarts, when Harry was in fourth year, and they fought against Voldemort together."

Reina cringed when he said Voldemort. "That's brilliant, my parents and I live in London. We have a store there."

"Really? In Diagon Ally?" Asked Teddy.

"No, my dad's a muggle. He owns a book store."

"That's nice, so do you have any siblings?"

"I have twin brothers, Josh and Jace."

"So what is your owls name?" Teddy asked, changing the subject away from family.

"Cal, He's really quite a handful most of the time." She said.

They sat in a comfortable silence until the trolly witch stopped and asked if they wanted anything. Teddy bought a lot of everything and settled in. Reina had never had Berti Bots Every Flavor Beans before because her mum didn't like them. They sat there eating and laughing at each others faces when they ate gross ones

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