First Day of School in Ferryport Landing.

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Authors Note: Hey! So this short story is kind of cheesy. It is from the Sisters Grimm. It is set after Sabrina, Daphne, and Basil leave Ferryport Landing to go live in New York with their parents. And before Puck leaves for five years and Sabrina gets engaged to Bradley.

Disclaimer: I own none of these characters. They all belong to the marvelous author who wrote the Sisters Grimm! You get the drill!


     "Puck! Come on!" Sabrina shouted, "We are going to be late!" Sabrina and Daphne we're starting yet another school year. Sabrina was starting her sophomore year and Daphne was starting fifth grade. This year was different from all the rest though. This year Puck and Red would be going to school. Puck would be joining Sabrina at Ferryport Landing High School. Red hadn't aged at all since the Everafter War, but she didn't want to be left home with Granny Relda, so she was starting first grade.

     "I'm coming." Grumbled the tall blond fairy as he dragged his feet down the stairs. Puck pretended that he didn't want to go to school, but Sabrina suspected that he was actually looking forward to it. When their grandmother had suggested that Puck go to school with Sabrina, he stormed off angrily. At dinner later that night he couldn't keep the smile of his face.

     Sabrina, Daphne, and Red stood at the bottom of the stairs watching as Puck shoveled cereal into his face. Granny Relda came into the room and put her hands together. "Children are you ready to go?"

     Sabrina's mother came in after her. Daphne and Sabrina had come back from New York to go to school with Puck and Red. Their mother had come with them to see them off on their first day. She would be leaving while they were at school. "Let's go get in the car!" She exclaimed. She herded the kids out the front door to the new minivan. Uncle Jake had insisted upon Granny getting a new car after the old jalopy was wrecked. They all piled in, with Sabrina's mother mother at the wheel. They cruised along down the small town-dirt paved-two laned roads until they reached the high school. As Puck and Sabrina clambered out Mrs. Grimm blew them each a kiss, and made sure they promised to be good and have a good day. They obliged.

     After the car skidded away, the two teenagers waved, although Puck grimaced as he did so. Sabrina grabbed him by the arm and then tugged him to the crowed of students funneling through the school doors. The intercom crackled to life on the wall once most of the pupils were inside.
    "Welcome Students..." the person on the announcements broke into a fit of coughing.  "Your schedules can be found in the lunchroom. After you get them go to your Homeroom for further instructions. Have a good day!"

     "Let's go!" Puck said, "We have to get our schedules!"

     Sabrina was surprised at his excitement to get their classes. But she mumbled a quick, "yes." Then allowed him to pull her through the crowd.

     When they reached the lunchroom, which just happened to be crowded with teens, everafters, and your stereotypical cliques, a nice looking lady with chocolate brown hair called names out from her pile of schedules. She smiled at the students as they took their papers from her. When they had gotten through the line and had gotten their class lists they started to compare them. "Darn, we don't have Homeroom together!" Puck exclaimed, "But we do have P.E and Chemistry."

     Sabrina was distracted, she stared across the room at a group of kids, she waved and one of them noticed. "Bella!" Sabrina shouted. A peppy girl came running over. Bella and Sabrina had become friends during the long summers of nothingness in the one horse town. Bella has once tried to kill Sabrina and her family, back when they were fighting the everafter war, but they had made up. "What Homeroom do you have?" Sabrina demanded as soon as Bella got near them.

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