Big Brother Percy

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Author's Note: Hey, I don't really have anything to say for this one, got the idea on Pinterest. Hope you like it.

Disclaimer: I don't own any of these Characters. (sadly) they belong to Rick Riordan.

Annabeth watched as the cyclops plummeted into the murky water. Once he had been swallowed up into the depths she whirled around to face Percy, "I don't know if I should kiss you or shove you off this bridge!" She grumbled.

     "Can I pick?" He asked, smirking. "It's not my fault he messed up our date!"

     "I know that, but you don't have to chase after him if he doesn't actually hurt us."

     "I needed an adventure, school is so dull, I thought I might start fighting the teachers!" He continued to rant until Annabeth put a finger to his lips. She motioned for him to look into the alleyway they were passing, a faint glow shrouded a small figure. It looked like a child. Annabeth tugged on Percy's arm, it was obvious that he wanted to confront the thing.

     "No!" She hissed, "Chiron said that if anything happens, no matter how small, we have to get to camp!"

     "Fine," he muttered, and let her lead him away from the darkness. The hurriedly made their way through the wide New York streets that were dirty and full of noise, to the Jackson's apartment. They ran up the front steps and opened the heavy door.

     Inside, Sally stood at the sink with a towel over her shoulder. Paul was playing with baby Estelle on the floor. Sally turned around to see their startled faces, "What's wrong? Percy?"

     "We have to go to camp." He said, "Its probably nothing, but Chiron said to go if anything happened."

     "Well, what is it?"

     "There was a Cyclops," Annabeth cut in, "We killed it, and on our way back there was something in the alleyway."

     Once they assured Percy's mother and step-father that everything was fine and that they would probably be back in a day or two, they went upstairs to Percy's room to grab his things. Annabeth plopped down on his his small bed and watched as he pulled open drawers and stuffed balls of clothes into his old duffel bag, Annabeth turned to peer through the blinds. "Percy!" She gasped, "There is more of them!" He rushed to the window to see what she was talking about. Sure enough, outside, surrounding the apartment was more of the odd glowing figures, although the glow was not visible in the light as well as it had been in the alleyway. They seemed restless. "Should we iris message Nico?" Annabeth muttered.

     "They want something, and we probably don't have time." He grabbed his bag and practically dragged Annabeth down the stairs. When they got back to the living room Percy went to talk to his parents. He seemed agitated. When he was done he went back over to ask Annebeth for ideas. "We can't just leave them here. The things might get them, they smell like us!"

     "I know seaweed brain! But we can't stay here to protect them. Chiron needs to know what is going on, ever since Manhattan went quiet, this is the first time any monsters have been seen!"

     He put his hands on the sides of his head in frustration. "Is there a way we could take them with us?"

    "They couldn't get in..." Her face lit up, "without inside help! Once we get in we can open the barrier for them!"

    "It might work!" He smiled

     Percy told his parents the plan, Paul didn't like the idea of intruding on the camp grounds but Annabeth assured him it would be fine. The family quickly got all they needed together and Percy pulled out Riptide before opening the front door. As soon as it swung open the ghosts charged towards them. Percy slashed his sword through the front row of creatures. Annabeth stopped walking to pull out her dagger and she got a mouthful of monster dust. They fought, dodging fists and feet. Paul tapped Annabeth on the shoulder and shoved Estelle into her arms. "It will be easier to protect just her!" He shouted over the racket. He pulled Sally out of the crowd and back through the apartment's front door. Annabeth stared speechlessly at the toddler in her arms, completely forgetting about the chaos around her. She was jolted from her shock when Percy yanked her by the arm into his beat up Prius. She quickly buckled herself in and hugged Estelle tight to her chest as Percy stomped his foot on the petal, swerving away from the curb. They sped along, away from the glowing phantoms that were following behind much to slowly to catch them. Eventually they reached the edge of the surprisingly empty neighborhood, and turned onto the busy city streets of Manhattan. They sat in silence for a while until Percy spotted one of the luminous monsters. He pointed it out to Annabeth, quietly because Estelle had fallen asleep. They sped up and made the rest of the trip to Long Island Sound.

     In the distance, Thalia's tree appeared over the hill. Percy pushed the car up the hill as close to the barrier as possible. They got out and Annabeth put the sleeping kid in his arms and ran through the barrier to get someone to open the way for Estelle to enter the camp. As soon as she left. Ten of the things from earlier materialized in a half circle around the siblings. Percy shifted Estelle to his other hip and uncapped Riptide with his thumb. With a familiar "shink!" The sword grew to full size. One of the ghosts took a few steps forward. Stunned, Percy did not stop it. The creature put out it's hand and placed it forcefully to Percy's chest. It burned, and the second he could feel it, he swung Riptide through the air and tore through the monster like a knife through butter. The dust scattered around in the wind.

     The other nine personages started forward. Before he knew it Percy was slicing and smacking with his sword while trying to keep ahold of the child.

     "Hey bro!" Percy turned to see Malcom fighting alongside him. There was only two more fiends left. They each took one. Once the fight was over, and Estelle had inside permission to enter the camp, they clambered down Half-Blood Hill, to see many of their friends nervously waiting. Annabeth rushed forward and put her hand next to were Percy had been burned.

     "What happened?" She demanded as Piper came forward and took Estelle. Percy looked down at his tattered shirt and saw that a ragged handprint had seared clear through his shirt.!

     "No idea, the thing touched me and it burned."

     "Let's go get settled in." She grabbed his arm and pulled him away.

     Later that night, Annabeth and Percy sat in the Poseidon cabin watching Estelle slumber on a bunk. All was quiet until Annabeth spoke, "Tomorrow we can go and get your parents." Percy just nodded. Annabeth kissed him and then disappeared out the door.

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