{1} The Party Incident

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I had walked into the destroyed Great Hall. As I walked, I looked at all of the people around me. Some were smiling while others had frowns on their faces. We had lost a lot of good people today so I could see why some were sad. Yes, we had won the war, but we lost a lot more than we thought we would. Fred, Remus, Tonks, Snape, Lavender (She was presumed to be dead, but no one really knew for sure), Colin Creevy... I was sad that we lost so many great people.

I may not have liked Lavender because of my jealousy when she dated Ron, but she was a decent person and she didn't deserve to die. I thought Snape was the enemy the whole time, but it turned out that he wasn't. Remus and Tonks had a son a few months ago... their son didn't deserve to be an orphan. He won't even be able to remember them. I was close to Fred too... I remembered that I would help him and George with pranks all of the time... It was hard to believe that he was actually gone. And Colin... I can just remember the kid who was obsessed with me and was always wanting a picture or an autograph. I'm upset that I didn't give him one now.

People would stare at me as I walked by them. They were probably wondering how I was still alive... Or they were just looking at my beat-up self. I definitely didn't come out unscathed. I managed to survive because Voldemort only managed to kill the part of my soul that had the Horcrux in it that he created the night he tried to kill me when I was a baby. I should be happy that I'm alive, but I'm not. I would trade my life for all of the people that we lost to come back. I would do it gladly and without hesitation. I never wanted anyone to die... But I was foolish not to believe that some people would die.

I walked slowly down the hallway and even said hello to Hagrid. He walked out right after we talked and I could see Filch cleaning up some of the rubble. I stood there for a moment and then saw Hermione walk around the corner. My smile was small as I ran over and engulfed her in a hug, "I'm glad to see you're okay," I let go of her and took a step back. I looked around for my ginger-haired boyfriend, but couldn't find him anywhere, "Where's Ron?"

Hermione didn't say anything, but she grabbed my arm and led me out of the castle. We walked out onto the bridge and I walked a little ahead of her. I walked to the broken edge of the huge bridge and looked out. The place I called home since I was eleven was in shambles. It would take forever for them to fix this... Even with magic. I looked at the Elder Wand in my hand and let out a breath.

"Why didn't it work for him?" Hermione asked. "The Elder Wand?"

I could tell she was avoiding something, but I just answered her question. She would tell me when she was ready for me to hear it. I looked back at her, "It didn't answer to him. It answered to someone else," Hermione looked at me in confusion, but didn't say anything. "When he killed Snape, he was thinking that the wand would become his. It didn't seem to go his way though because the thing is, the wand never actually belonged to Snape. Draco was the one who disarmed Dumbledore that night in the Astronomy Tower. The wand only answered Draco after that. Until, the other night, I disarmed Draco when we were at Malfoy Manor," Hermione was speechless, "The wand belongs to me."

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