{9} Bonnie's Not Bonnie

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I hadn't talked to Elena after the party. She had tried to talk to me many times, but I didn't say anything to her. I knew that the conversation would morph into her asking questions that I don't want to answer. We rode to school together, but it was just one long, awkward car ride. Caroline had picked us up today so she was what kept the ride to school from being too quiet or boring.

We had arrived at the school and were walking by the buses. I stood on one side of Caroline while Elena stood on her other side. "Have you even talked to Bonnie?" Elena asked Caroline.

"No, I'm mad at her. She needs to make the first move." Caroline said. Apparently, something had happened between the two girls at the party last night. I don't know what exactly happened. Another reason I was glad that I didn't stick around. I wasn't one for confrontation after... Anyways.

"Be the bigger person," Elena told her.

Caroline faced in front of her, "Impossible in her presence."

"Why are you so pissed at her, anyway?" Elena inquired.

"She's a thief. That's why. I gave her my necklace, and she refuses to give it back. It's a matter of principle." I looked at my blonde friend in confusion. She literally just said that she gave her the necklace, why would she give it back after it was given to her?

Elena sighed, "All right. Well, I tried. I'm officially out of it."

I cut in, "Well, I'm not," Both of the girls looked at me in slight surprise. It was the first time I had spoken this entire day. "I say that you should just make up with her. It's just a necklace, the world isn't going to implode if you don't get it back," Caroline opened her mouth like she was going to say something. I quickly spoke before she could justify herself, "Besides, you shouldn't stay mad at your friends. You never know what might happen..." I trailed off. I could almost feel the memories trying to resurface. I shook my head slightly. I did not need this. Not today. I would like to one day without my PTSD coming to bite me in the ass.

It was silent for a bit after that. I could feel Elena's stare on me. This obviously brought up more questions in her mind. Caroline turned to Elena, "Where's Stefan? Have you talked to him?"

Elena turned her gaze away from me and to Caroline, "He's avoiding me."

Caroline stared at her with concern, "Why?"

Elena hesitated, "...It's complicated," The bell rang as we were now in front of the school, "I'll see you later." Elena walked away from us.

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