{2} Stefan's Brother

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I had woken up again from one of my many nightmares. No matter what I did or how much I begged, the memories wouldn't stop resurfacing. It felt like they were killing me from the inside and out. I wanted to get away from everything, that's why I moved here, but it just seemed to keep following me. I got up and got ready for school, trying my hardest to forget the dream. I walked out of my room and joined Elena and Jenna. Jenna had her hair down and she was wearing a blue dress.

"Do I look adult? As in respectfully parental?" Jenna asked us.

"Depends on where you're going," Elena told her.

Jenna walked over to the mirror and we followed her, "Jeremy's parent-teacher conference. Hair up or down?"

Jenna put her hair up and Elena replied with, "Sexy stewardess," Jenna looked at me and I nodded in agreement. Jenna let her hair down, "Boozy housewife."

"Up it is." Jenna laughed a little.

I shrugged, "I don't know. I liked it down."

Jenna thanked me and then she turned to Elena, "You're feisty today."

"I feel good, which is rare. So I've decided to go with it. Fly free, walk on the sunshine, and all that stuff." Elena looked inside of Jeremy's room.

I laughed slightly, "I wonder how that feels," Jenna and Elena shared a look and I knew what they were non-verbally talking about. Me. It was just a joke, too. Was I not allowed to do that now without being worried about it? "So where is Jeremy, Jenna?" I questioned trying to make the attention shift onto someone else. I already got so much attention, I don't want any more.

"He left early. Something about getting to wood shop early to finish a birdhouse," Jenna paused and I put my hand on her shoulder, comfortingly. There is no wood shop at our school. Jeremy lied to her and she just now figured it out. Jenna was trying her best to take care of three kids, but Jeremy was making it hard for her. But I get that he wants to visit Vicky in the hospital. It's your first love that makes you do things that you wouldn't normally do... I know that from experience, "There is no wood shop, is there?"

Elena shook her head, "No."

Jenna nodded slightly, "Yeah."


I walked with Caroline and Bonnie through one of the school hallways. Elena had been stopped by Stefan so I decided to find the other two girls. I don't trust Stefan at all. Something seems really off about him. That might just be my war instincts kicking in, but... I just don't know anymore. "I'm confused. Are you psychic or clairvoyant?" Caroline asked Bonnie.

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