{15} "You Bloody Idiots!"

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Hey guys! Sorry that this came out so late

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Hey guys! Sorry that this came out so late. I watched the last episode of Supernatural and I've been sobbing for two hours. I hope that you guys like this chapter!


Things had calmed down a lot since the other day. The three of them were pretty surprised to hear my full story, but they didn't really say anything after I told them. The only person who said something was Elena and she was just comforting. She also said that she would try to be more understanding which was good. She was actually making a good effort too. Currently, she was hanging out with Stefan.

Surprisingly, Damon had actually warmed up a lot to me. It seemed that he was trying to be friends which I actually didn't mind. He hasn't been the best person in the past, but I could just feel that he was trying to be better. No one else seemed to notice it though. I was obviously still on my guard around him. Honestly, when was I not. What surprised me even more was when I came down from my room and saw Damon and Jenna chatting. He was apparently joining us for family night.

Everything was going pretty well. I had joined the conversation the two of them were having and it's been pretty fun. Damon was slicing a tomato while Jenna was sitting on the counter with a glass of wine in her hand. I stood near Jenna with a smile on my face.

"My father never approved of anyone I dated, which only made me want them more. Of course," Damon smirked. That was a very Damon thing to do. From the small amount of time that I've known him, I could tell that Damon was the type to do the opposite of what everyone told him. "What about you?" He directed the question at Jenna.

"I'm sorry to say that I'm not surprised," I gave Jenna a smile. Her mouth dropped open it what seemed to be an amused shock. I only gave her a look. "You don't exactly have the best taste, Aunt Jenna." It was definitely true. All the guys she ever dated were douches or just complete jerks. Jenna seemed to think over what I said before nodding.

"They ever find him?" Damon asked, talking about Logan. "Or is he still missing?"

Jenna shook her head with an amused smile, "He's not missing. He's in the Bahamas working on his tan. Very entitled, that one. Marches to his own drum," Jenna drank the rest of the wine that was in her glass, "He's a Fell. They're all snooty."

I scoffed, "You can say that again." I hadn't met a lot of Fells, but the ones I have met were pretty stuck up. They were acting like they were above everyone else and no one could even look at them. It was pretty annoying if you asked me. It reminded me a lot of some of the pureblood families in the Wizarding World.

Damon chuckled at us. He walked over to Jenna and poured more wine into her glass. Jenna raised her glass to him with a smile. Damon went back to continue cooking the food. He didn't even look back when he said, "Hello, Elena."

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